
An infinite mystery of love is guarded in My Heart and in the heart of all the visionaries that over the centuries, My Immaculate Heart has radiated to all of them."

Virgin Mary


The visionaries

Consecrating one's life is the aspiration of the soul that awakens.

The Virgin Mary has indicated the step of consecration to the visionaries chosen to convey Her messages. Mother María Shimani de Montserrat, Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón and Sister Lucía de Jesús, consecrated monks of the Grace Mercy Order, have committed themselves to Our Lady unconditionally, to collaborate with the manifestation of the task that She needs to perform together with humanity.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat

Consecrated nun of the Grace Mercy Order and visionary, she is dedicated to giving testimony of the instructions of the Divine Messengers–Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and St. Joseph, a spiritual task that she carries out in different parts of the world, forming and giving orientation to groups of prayer, and of selfless service.  

She is a member of the Council of Permanent Guidance of the Grace Mercy Order, an institution dedicated to prayer and selfless service, with monasteries in different parts of the world.

She coordinates the activities of the Communities of Light and the Marian Centers in Argentina, Brazil, Portugal, and Uruguay.

She gives talks focusing on the current planetary situation and on the broad perspectives of humanity on to how to approach the spiritual life through prayer and charity.

She is the author of the books "Mensajes del Gran Reino Celeste” (Messages of the Great Heavenly Kingdom), "Cristo de la Luz—Samana Redentor” (Christ of Light—Samana the Redeemer),  "Siete días con el Maestro Jesús de Nazaret” (Seven Days with Master Jesus of Nazareth"), "Mensajes de Paz" (Messages of Peace), and "Mensajes de Misericordia" (Messages of Mercy), all published by Irdin Editora.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Consecrated monk of the Grace Mercy Order and visionary, he dedicates his life to prayer and selfless service, following the guidance of Christ Jesus and of the Virgin Mary.

He was contacted by the Most Holy Virgin when he was seven years old, and since then he has been prepared by Her for the public task begun in 2011.

He has given talks about his experience as a visionary in service to the Divine Messengers.

He is the author of the books "Mensajes de Paz" (Messages of Peace), and "Mensajes de Misericordia" (Messages of Mercy), both published by Irdin Editora.


Sister Lúcia de Jesus

Consecrated nun of the Grace Mercy Order, she dedicates her life to prayer and to selfless service, following the guidance of Christ Jesus, of the Virgin Mary, and also of Saint Joseph.

Since October of 2012, as a response to a petition of the Virgin Mary, she began her task as a visionary, serving as intermediary of the messages transmitted by the Most Holy Mary during Her public Apparitions.

In March of the following year, Saint Joseph also presented Himself to her, and thus a cycle of instruction through the visionary was started.