Saturday, December 14 of 2024


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Beloved children,

For God, your Father, there is no impediment or obstacle for Him to be close to His Children and for His Spiritual Plan to descend and unite to the souls that invoke Him and cry out to Him.

I Am the Mother of Argentina, the Venerated Virgin of Lujan, who holds all supplications in Her Heart and watches over the faith of Her children, so that it may not disappear.

Be conscious of the dark night that the planet and humanity are going through. There are no other paths, but God’s path, which can be drawn through your hearts and your inner life.

My Son sends me before, to be with you on this day, because I Am the Mother of all, the Venerable Mother that has made a commitment to each one of Her children so that they may live the Will of God.

I come to heal the wounds that have opened.

I come to place Light where there is darkness.

I come to bring hope where it has completely disappeared.

I come to open the eyes of your consciousnesses, the eyes of your souls, so that you may see and feel the Kingdom of God close to you.

Argentina will rise from the ashes, because its inner spirit, the spirit of this nation, cannot be defeated.

You still do not know its fire, a sacred fire that impels Argentina to be a strong country, firm in its conviction and faith, which is what you must learn to take care of and protect today. Because despite the dark night or despite the time without answers or signs, or even without solutions, this is the calvary that shows itself before you so that you may live and cross it, because if My Son did it for you, you can also do it.

God blesses, with His Graces, those who sacrifice and persevere.

God tends to those who are weak and those who cannot find meaning to their lives.

God is here, in you and among you, and He springs from My Motherly Heart in offering and love for His children.

Do not forget everything I have taught you. It is time to apply the divine knowledge that We have given you.

It is time for you to be yourselves, once and for all, with your own light, with your own love, united to the Love of the Father, with constant self-giving and service for those who suffer.

Today, I come to pour out My Grace upon those who have lost it and even upon those who have never recognized it.

Because if I speak today it is at the request of My Son and in obedience to His designs. Because here, before Me and in your souls, there are precious crystals that still must be polished and transformed. And when My Son starts transforming and polishing them, will you leave? He has something special for each one, believe Me. Because He hopes He will reveal it to each being, on the indicated day and hour.

Meanwhile, I invite you to renew yourselves in the school of prayer.

How will you sustain yourselves if you do not pray?

How will you be able to discern if you do not pray?

How will you be able to have Light on your paths if you do not pray?

Darkness embraces many souls in these times and you know it.

Allow your own purification to be freed and transcended forever. Because God does not want to see you in suffering or in pain, but rather in the joy and certainty to live Him each day, in perpetual communion with His Sublime and Eternal Heart.

But the tests of life are there to be lived and experienced. If I promised to you a life of roses, I would not be honest with you, MY children.

If My Son drank from the Chalice without deserving it, have you asked yourselves internally if you would be capable of drinking the offering to God from the Chalice?

O My Lord, Your Altar is served. How many chalices are full to be offered and drunk by souls?

Who will understand, beyond themselves, the reason for this commitment and the reason why God offers to you His mystery to be revealed?

I pray for those who cannot understand this moment, because I know.

Have you ever wondered what I felt upon seeing My Son being handed over, flagellated, crucified and killed on the Cross for something He never did?

What is more beyond human comprehension?

What is more beyond knowledge or even knowledge itself?

It is called love, children; love for the unknown, love for the immaterial will that has ruled your lives and the lives of your brothers and sisters since the emergence of your essences in the ponds of God and since the gestation in the wombs of your mothers.

For this reason, a mother knows what it is to have a child; but does a child know what it is to have a mother?

How many mothers suffer disappointment of their dearest children and cry, just as I cry with them, so that My tears may be the river of Grace that consoles the mothers who love and protect the path of their children?

I am here to protect the Work of God, in which you participate.

My Son hopes you have been able to learn today and have grown internally. This is what My Son has hoped for for a long time, because if in all this and at this moment there were not love, I would not be here, because God is Love, but He is also Justice.

He will never allow you to go astray from His path and, even if you go astray, He will rescue you because this is the promise that My Son has made at the foot of His Throne, of His humble house of love and service in this Creation.

I want this Light, which once ignited in your hearts for this Work many years ago, to today re-ignite in confidence and faith. Because if I am here it is not only because I love you, but also because I accompany and support you.

And today I promise you, My beloveds, that your wounded trust is being repaired by the Grace that God has sent Me to give you, in spiritual communion with My Son and in eternal sacrament.

God knows that human imperfection is very great; but despite this, the one who obeys the Lord becomes liberated from themselves forever. Because that is where your school is, the one of surrendering your own will every day so that the Will of God may reign in you at each moment.

Today, I come to give to the offended hearts the roses that exist in the Kingdom of Heaven, which are profoundly spiritual and invisible, so that a flower of My celestial garden, nourished by good and praying souls, may be positioned upon your hearts and, thus, you may receive the perfume of the Mother of God, the perfume of Her Grace and Her Peace.

Argentina, through you, must affirm itself in the work with the Centers of Love. You already know how to do it and how to represent the Hierarchy on this wounded, outraged and violated planet.

And thus, in union with the Centers of Love, you will be able to know the treasures of the Hierarchy, but above all the treasures that are hidden and yet to be revealed in your hearts. Cross the door to the inner rebirth, the door that I offer to you today to inner rebirth, reconciliation and internal union with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

My Son has asked Me to anoint each one of you with a kiss on your forefront. Receive, in this way, this gesture of Love of the Celestial Mother, of the little Virgin of Lujan, so that the stars and suns that live in you may ignite and affirm themselves in the purpose of God.

I want to thank each one of My children of the Light-Network for being here today and for having crossed the threshold of incomprehension and misunderstandings. Because the love that lives and dwells in each being has brought you here, up to this present day, so that the pain may be liberated, so that faith may be strengthened, so that peace may fill you and embrace you on this day and thus, this may be radiated to the world that needs it so much in this crucial and difficult hour.

Remember that in Heaven We are always there for everyone, for everyone; that the doors of My Heart will always open so that you may find a safe haven in this time.

The work of the Light-Choir in Argentina must expand. The Southern Cone must make the gifts of God shine through the voices that offer to praise and recognize Him as the only God of the universe and of life and so that, above all, the doors of the Heavens may be open upon Argentina, and this country, this nation, and especially its people, may be a part of the last boat of salvation of Christ, Our Lord.

Because you will see Him come down the mountain, just as He did so many times.

Because you will see Him preach, heal and cure in a surprising way, just as He did so many times.

Because you will be able to feel, upon His Return, His blessing Hand, His closeness and His embrace, as He did many times with the forgotten, with the discarded, with the offended, with the wounded, with all those who have been despised.

The touch of His humble Love, at His Return, will transform all things, just as the Mantle that the holy women would touch for them to be healed, just as the tears that rolled upon His Feet to wash and bless them with the love of the confirmed ones.

Today I want you to re-consecrate your vows as Children of Mary, but with an inner conviction of striving every day to fulfill the vows that you yourselves professed to Christ.

This will allow the light and expression of the task of Argentina through you to be fulfilled, because everything is offered so that this may happen. For this reason, I am here, to accompany and impel you once more.

My Son needs your service in Argentina to make the sun of this nation to shine, because to Him, Our Lord, this is urgent.

Before I bid farewell and thank you, I wish for the little Marys to draw near to be blessed by Me.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Let us bless these little souls, through anointment, so that they may be consecrated as Children of Mary.

Let us say a prayer for this soul.


Prayer: “Hail Mary” (twice).


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


May the perfume of My Love be felt at this moment, so that souls may re-ignite in the Love and Grace of the Father, which are immeasurable, infinite and inextinguishable.

Just as I consecrate these little souls today, baptizing them with the spiritual Light of My Son, in the same way I consecrate and baptize you again with the spiritual Light that Jesus brought to His Mother and His apostles in His Resurrection.

May the stars of My Crown protect and guide Argentina.

I thank you for this meeting of peace, love and reconciliation.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Click to read all the messages of the Virgin Mary