The world needs to learn from Africa: find out what Christ Jesus and the Virgin Mary said in Angola

In the first half of July, Christ Jesus and the Virgin Mary were in Luanda, Angola, as part of a spiritual task with the entire African continent. On that occasion, They announced the spiritual resurgence of Africa, which should be the new resurrected Eden.

The faith that sustains the planet

The Sacred Hearts called on the world to recognize the spiritual wealth that exists in Africa and assured that we all need to learn from the faith and simplicity of African hearts.

Our Lord revealed that, currently, it is the faith of Africans that sustains the planet.


Through three Apparitions, the Master and His Most Holy Mother encouraged the strengthening and expansion of the work developed by Casa da Criança Santa Isabel (Santa Isabel Children’s House), a non-governmental organization located in Luanda that is dedicated to the protection of orphaned children and those in situations of social vulnerability.

Christ Jesus foretold that, through the Casa da Criança Santa Isabel, Africa would be His new seedbed of Light for the world.

Below, you can read the synthesis of the Messages transmitted during this Pilgrimage for Peace, access the full transcripts or watch the video of each Apparition.

July 12, 2024 - Apparition of the Virgin Mary in Luanda, Angola

The gift of faith

The Virgin Mary said that the African people are the most consecrated to Her Immaculate Heart and that the precious souls of that continent are incalculable and have much to teach to the world.

Our Lady revealed that the great wealth of Africa is spiritual, anonymous and secret, reflected in the gift of faith that miraculously sustains souls.

According to Her, it is this spiritual code that Christ will come to resurrect in Africa, because the whole world needs to learn about the internal state of faith and prayer, of praise and love for God, that beats in African hearts.

The re-emergence of Africa

The Heavenly Mother has announced that the time of Africa’s re-emergence is written in the Heart of God. She has assured that with the Return of Christ, the souls of this continent will finally be freed from exploitation and spiritual slavery and will no longer know suffering.

Furthermore, Our Lady emphasized again that Africa holds a sacred primordial history, which will become known in the coming times.

July 13, 2024 - Special Apparition of the Virgin Mary in Luanda, Angola.

The Resurrected Eden

In this Apparition, Our Lady stated that Africa is a school for all humanity. She emphasized that we must all learn from the most sacred and immaculate that exists in this continent, represented by its profound codes of simplicity and faith. This will help the souls of the world to correct their paths, to heal themselves of ambition and to banish the thirst for power and authority.

The Divine Mother also announced that Africa must be the new resurrected Eden.

Casa da Criança Santa Isabel
Santa Isabel Children’s House

The Blessed Virgin indicated that Casa da Criança Santa Isabel should grow and become stronger in these times, overcoming obstacles and interference, as a way for the work of love and light, of rescue and redemption of souls, to expand in Africa.

The Queen of Peace also noted that Her children at Casa da Criança Santa Isabel deserve something better, always maintaining the essence of simplicity, which makes them authentic and humble of heart.

July 15, 2024 - Apparition of Christ Jesus in Luanda, Angola.

The fulfillment of the promises

Christ Jesus communicated that, on that day, His promises for Africa would begin to be fulfilled.

The Redeemer stated that the entire universe has already received the order for the time of captivity to come to an end. He explained that, through the hosts of angels and archangels, the shackles will be dissolved and souls will be freed so that, renewed by faith and hope, they may prepare His Return to Earth.

The spiritual universe of Africa

Our Lord revealed that the faith of the African people is what sustains the planet today and prevents wars from worsening in nations.

He further stressed that humanity urgently needs to learn about spiritual dignity and the precious and sublime inner worlds that exist in each African heart.

Thus, the Master asked that the eyes of humanity emerge from blindness and recognize the spiritual universe that lives in Africa.

A new seedbed of Light

Christ Jesus declared that He was coming to make Africa, through Casa da Criança Santa Isabel, His new seedbed of Light for the world.

Our Lord recalled that, just as God made Himself humble and poor in a manger, He will make Himself humble and poor once again, showing His Power through the simple hearts that live in faith.

The wealth of humble souls

Christ Jesus said that at His Return, He will reveal the spiritual wealth that has been delivered into the hearts of Africa, which have been attempted to be buried, marginalized or even abolished.

He stated:

These are the humble souls of Africa. How many important values the world does not know and marginalize! How many souls are incarnated here and have suffered so much, so much, just as your Master and Lord suffered on the Cross!

The Savior said that He came to seek His dwelling in the hearts of Africa so that He could repose and rest, just as we can repose and rest in His Heart when we need it.

Jesus calms the storm

At the beginning of the Apparition, Christ Jesus recalled the biblical passage in which He calmed the storm on the Sea of ​​Galilee. On that occasion, the apostles, even though they were in His Presence in the boat, despaired and were tested in their faith.

The Master said that we are currently experiencing a similar spiritual test:

For this reason, that night I demonstrated to them that the anonymous and secret Power of God was capable not only of stopping the storm but also of demonstrating how the faith of each one of them was.

In the face of the storm that the world is experiencing today, in the vastness of its suffering and agony, its traumas and aftermath, how will each one of you, in the boat of the Lord, go through this spiritual storm that is approaching?

May the codes of simplicity and faith that pulsate in the African hearts continue to be radiated to the world, like beams of light in the darkness. May this purity inspire us to leave superficiality behind and mend our ways.

In a spirit of love and reparation, let us pray that the long-awaited moment of spiritual liberation for Africa may arrive, when her children will finally be able to reclaim their divine inheritance.