Pilgrimage for Peace in Canada: remember the main indications of the Divine Hierarchy

n the first half of June, Christ Jesus and the Virgin Mary were in Canada, as the final stage of the Pilgrimage for Peace in North America.

In this nation, Christ Jesus transmitted His Messages for the 126th Marathon of Divine Mercy, on June 5 and 6, while the Virgin Mary delivered Her weekly Message on June 8 and Her Messages for the events of June 13 and 24.

Humility as the key to crossing the narrow door of God

Our Lord declared that the Teachings communicated in the three Messages transmitted for the Marathon contained the keys to living the current stage of our spiritual path.

The Instructions of the Master are focused on the importance of developing humility and self-giving, as essential attributes for climbing the heavenly ladder that will lead us to the narrow door of God.

According to Him, to cross the narrow door of God - which will take us to something unknown and wonderful - we must be in a state of absolute inner emptiness.

Healing through the Kingdoms of Nature

In Her Messages, the Virgin Mary highlighted that, through the Kingdoms of Nature, souls always have at their disposal all the secrets of healing and harmony. She explained that by simply contemplating Creation, our atoms and cells can once again identify themselves with the Laws of God.

Our Lady also spoke about the Inner Mirrors of planet Earth, showing that these divine tools are located in spaces permeated by the beauty and silence of Creation.

She informed us that Canada has, in its natural landscapes, Inner Mirrors responsible not only for the healing of humanity, but also for the contact of each soul with its cosmic origin.

The spiritual purpose of Canada

Christ Jesus indicated that the archetype and purpose of the Canadian nation are related to the task that the Kingdoms of Nature carry out in this region.

He announced that Canada should be the country of spiritual rebirth for the New Humanity and revealed that the protective angel of Creation, called Sariel, is the regent of that nation.

Next, read the summary of what the Sacred Hearts said in Their Apparitions in Canada and/or access the transcripts and videos.

June 3, 2024 - Special Message from Christ Jesus, transmitted in Quebec, Canada.

In this special Message, Christ Jesus presented us with the spiritual ladder to Heaven, as a representation of the path of ascension that He offers us.

Our Lord highlighted that, in order to climb the first step of this heavenly ladder, the initial step is the stripping of self, the total emptiness of any intention and absolute humiliation so that we can comprehend, under the Humility of God, the designs of the Master of Love.

According to the Savior, what awaits us after climbing this ladder is something unknown and wonderful.

Christ Jesus also asked us to pray for Canada to protect its spiritual purpose and archetype, especially through the Kingdoms of Nature.

According to Him, nature is the living expression of the Creative Love of the Eternal Father, and its task is to heal and redeem humanity.

June 4, 2024 - Apparition of Christ Jesus, which took place in Quebec, Canada.

Our Lord revealed that at the end of the spiritual ladder, which He presented to us the day before, we will see the narrow door of God. To cross it, we will have to be in a state of absolute inner emptiness.

As the end times approach, the narrow door of God will be more evident in the lives of souls.

In order for us to cross the narrow door of God, we must seek, through the living example of Christ, simplicity and humility in life, freeing ourselves from all arrogance, pride and ambition.

The Master said that, in the Garden of Gethsemane, He was also before the narrow door of God.

Finally, Our Lord announced that Canada should be the country of spiritual rebirth for the New Humanity. He also revealed that the protective Angel of Creation, called Sariel, is the regent of this nation.


June 5, 2024 - Apparition of Christ Jesus, which took place in Quebec, Canada.

On the third day of the Presence of the Master in Canada, He invited us to climb the spiritual ladder that was presented to us on the first day and asked us to be encouraged to cross the narrow door of God, which will lead us to spiritual freedom.

Our Lord highlighted that, by ascending the heavenly ladder, we will be elevating ourselves not only for our ancestors, but for all humanity. Thus, we will help the Master to purify everything that is corrupted and obscured in human consciousness.

However, Christ Jesus said again that, when the time comes for us to cross the narrow door of God, it will be necessary to recline our head and spine to cross the door of humiliation and humility.

He stated that we must imitate His Holy Mother when entering the Grotto of Bethlehem, when She allowed the King of the Universe to be born in a humble and simple space. The Redeemer reinforced the importance of learning from the Humility of Mary and Her absolute trust in the Plan of God.

To conclude, Christ indicated that, in the three Messages transmitted in this Marathon, were the guide and the keys for us to live this last preparatory stage of His Return.

June 1st, 2024 - Apparition of the Virgin Mary, which took place in Montreal, Canada.

In this Apparition, the Virgin Mary presented Herself as the Mother and Lady of Amparo. Then, She took us to the school of Her Inner Mirrors, which are instruments of the Science of God kept in the natural landscapes of the planet.

Our Lady spoke especially about the Inner Mirrors of Canada, explaining that they were created to heal and redeem humanity, as well as to help the Kingdoms of Nature.

The Holy Virgin reminded us that the original peoples knew and lived the Laws of Healing, Harmony and Peace that are manifested in the places where these Inner Mirrors are deposited.

This was possible because they contemplated the Kingdoms of Nature with love and reverence and, in this way, could access the mysteries and tools of God existing in these spaces.

Thus, the Most Holy Virgin made it clear that, through the Kingdoms of Nature, the Laws of Healing and Harmony are always available to souls.

Our Lady asked that, like the original peoples, we contemplate these sacred places of Creation, so that our cells, atoms and DNA can once again identify with the Laws of God.

The Celestial Mother also said that, in Canada, there is an Inner Mirror for each of Her children, which identifies them and allows them to recognize their cosmic origin.

June 15, 2024 - Apparition of the Virgin Mary, which took place in Quebec, Canada.

On that day, the Virgin Mary brought the strength of the elements of nature, especially the waters, to purify and free us through them.

She invited us to commune in the spirit of the waters, which in their chastity and purity, in their planetary and universal service, wash the wounds of human consciousness.

The Divine Mother asked us to contemplate the greatness of donation, charity, providence and abundance of the Kingdoms of Nature, emphasizing that souls who place themselves before them with love and reverence will be able to know their mysteries.


The next article in this series will be about the task undertaken by the Divine Messengers in July, during the Pilgrimage for Peace in Angola, Africa.