Divine Messengers in the United States: remember the most important facts of this Mission of Peace

As part of the Pilgrimage for Peace in North America, the Presence of the Divine Messengers in the United States, in the month of May, was a moment of deliberations and definitions.

Christ Jesus and the Virgin Mary announced that They were coming to deliver Their last seeds of Light to hearts, in a spiritual task which culminated on May 8.

As a result of this redemptive mission, the foundations were established for the future Light-Community of Mount Shasta, in California, which will have an important role in sowing new standards of conduct in the consciousness of the North American nation.

Examination of consciousness

In the face of the planetary emergency, Christ Jesus and the Virgin Mary called us to do a deep examination of our consciousness, stating that, with everything that has been given to us by God, we should already be at another point on the path of love and transformation.

Kingdoms of Nature

The Divine Messengers emphasized that They came to lift us back to our origin, as though by God.

They also led us to sublime moments of communion with Creation, calling us once again to the responsibility of repairing the souls of the martyred Kingdoms of Nature. According to Them, there will never be peace as long as there is the killing of animals and disrespect for Creation.

Furthermore, the Virgin Mary revealed details about the hidden and fundamental participation of the elements of nature in the spiritual task of the Divine Hierarchy.

Errors of civilization

Furthermore, the Sacred Hearts spoke about the dangers of superficiality, ambition and consumerism for souls and, especially, about the serious misunderstanding of the death penalty in the United States.

In this way, Christ Jesus and the Virgin Mary made great efforts to help North Americans rediscover the divine universe that lives within them and to awaken the sense of the sacredness of life in the nation's consciousness.

Next, read the summary of the Apparitions made by Christ Jesus and the Virgin Mary to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús on this trip to the United States.


>>> May 3, 2024 - Special Message from Christ Jesus, transmitted in Mount Shasta, California, USA.

Christ Jesus announced that, although the time of Divine Justice is coming, He offered the merits of His Life, His Death and His Resurrection so that the United States could reach its great moment of awakening and repentance.

Our Lord revealed that His Sorrowful Passion was also for the faults of the United States, because at that time He already knew what would happen in the following generations of humanity.

The Master declared that the spiritual debt of this nation can be alleviated with the manifestation of a Point of Light in Mount Shasta, which should give rise to a Light-Community of the Work of the Divine Messengers. Thus, a new plan can be presented for this nation, so that, leaving ambition and consumerism, it may begin to enter the school of donation and altruistic service.

>>> May 4, 2024 - Apparition of Christ Jesus, which took place in Mount Shasta, California, USA.

Christ Jesus said that one of the main reasons for His Return to the world will be for souls to recover their connection with their inner and spiritual universe, because appearances had deceived them and made them get lost in everything that is superficial and petty.

Therefore, He asked us to take care of our inner world as a precious and immaculate temple for God, where the essential is kept for those who truly pray from the heart.

The Master announced that, as a Good Shepherd, He came to look for the lost sheep in the United States, the most sinful and imperfect, to raise their spirits from the ashes through His Love and His Consolation.

That way, one of His tasks would be to rebuild the meaning of life for North American souls and make this nation aware of how harmful it is to interrupt someone's existence, regardless of the suffering, mistakes and sins committed by that human being.

“Life is precious to God, because He is the One Who has created it in His image and likeness, and the values of life must be preserved in every one.”, emphasized the Master.

>>> May 5, 2024 - Apparition of Christ Jesus, which took place in Mount Shasta, California, USA.

Christ Jesus announced that He was coming to remove us from the superficial dimension to elevate us to the dimension of His Cosmic and Divine Love. He highlighted that the Words of the Divine Hierarchy cannot be wasted, because in each one of them there is a Greater Purpose.

The Master stated that the Divine Hierarchy needs the human condition to be able to approach, but that the hearts that God chose to know His Projects must be true and capable of giving more and more.

Our Lord revealed that, in the month of May, especially on the 8th, He was bringing seeds of Light to each soul that listened to Him, with the aspiration that these seeds would germinate in the coming months through sensible and balanced decisions.

The Master said that many of us should do a synthesis in May to get an inner answer for our lives.

“The signs have been given, the Message has been revealed, the impulse and the cosmic current of My Love has been delivered. All has been said, now it is up to you to give a response to the Universe …”, He indicated.

>>> May 16, 2024 - Apparition of Christ Jesus, which took place in Redwood, California, USA.

On that day, Christ Jesus repaired the consciousness of the Kingdoms of Nature for the outrages, mistreatment and indifference they receive from human beings.

Our Lord revealed that, in the great redwood forest where this Apparition occurred, souls can return to the beginning of their spiritual and cosmic origin. He also said that His Hermit Consciousness visits this sacred place, on the inner planes, in search of silence and interiorization.

The Master announced that the healing of humanity is present through the Kingdoms of Nature. He said that peoples and nations will only rise again when humanity loves, protects and respects these Kingdoms.

Christ Jesus stated that we could have already left the third dimension and entered Real Time with the help of the angels and devas from all the Kingdoms of Nature. But to do so, we must be able to love Creation as if it were our own life.

According to the Redeemer, for our Genetic Project to be reconfigured, we need to strive to live the example of unconditional giving from the Kingdoms of Nature.

The Master reinforced that one of the reasons for His work for the redemption of humanity is to honor the silent, true and immutable sacrifice that the Kingdoms of Nature carry out on this planet.

>>> May 7, 2024 - Special Apparition of the Virgin Mary, which took place at Lake Shastina, Mount Shasta, California, USA.

On that day, the eve of May 8, the Virgin Mary announced that the last and precious seeds of Light from Her Son had already been delivered.

Our Lady reiterated that we must continue to pray for unity in families, as they are being severely attacked and besieged by involutionary forces.

The Celestial Mother stated that She feels in Her Heart the pain of those who suffer, as well as the agony and scream of the animals that die, killed in an indescribable way. She warned us that, currently, impunity in the world exceeds the dimensions.

The Blessed Virgin asked us not to blame the elements of nature for the disasters and calamities that are occurring in the world, as everything is a reflection of the agony that Creation is experiencing. “While animals continue to be killed, while innocent human blood continues to be shed, few will be the ones who will manage to be in peace.”, She warned.

Faced with the planetary situation, the Divine Mother asked that the service network and, above all, training and knowledge for times of emergency be strengthened.

Our Lady stressed that those who call themselves companions and apostles of Christ must cross, like Him, the abysses of the Earth and, above all, their own internal abysses.

She said that the Light has already been taught and indicated to us; everything, absolutely everything has been entrusted to us. In this way, we must get out of inertia and inactivity, because our steps of  transformation, if they were honest, could already be greater.

>>> May 12, 2024 - Apparition of the Virgin Mary, which took place at Lake Shastina, Mount Shasta, California, USA.

In this Apparition, dedicated to the anniversary of Her Apparitions in Fátima, the Virgin Mary cared for and helped prisoners of war and those sentenced to the death penalty. She asked that we all pray for these forgotten souls.
Our Lady stated that the death penalty is one of the great knots of human consciousness, which binds civilization to a state of suffering and loss.

She said that God hopes that humanity can be reborn away from the action of revenge, remembering that all souls, no matter how great their sins, are precious to Him.

The Most Holy Mary announced that She was coming to give this testimony:

“This is what My Son asks of Me, to remind the whole world that life is precious, innocent and pure. The life that has been distorted by the ideologies of these times, by the practices of these times, by very liberal acts that place souls on an uncertain path, far from the Light and Love, far from the Truth.”

The Holy Virgin said that in Her Heart all Her children, especially prisoners of war and those living under the death penalty, will always find a safe and protected place to take refuge, a place spiritually prepared for each of them.

>>> May 20, 2024 - Special Apparition of the Virgin Mary, which took place in Redwood, California, USA.

The Virgin Mary stated that the power and strength of the elements of nature, in their harmony, beauty and simplicity, transmute the darkest situations on the planet.

Therefore, the elements of nature always accompany the work of the Divine Hierarchy, generating a unique spiritual situation for the benefit of souls and, mainly, of nations.

Our Lady said that the elements of nature present themselves as angels and devas, which are the great celestial powers that open the doors and dimensions so that the Hierarchy can descend to the planet and can deliver Its Message to humanity.

Thus, through the presence of the elements of nature, souls are elevated from earthly life to spiritual life, and powerful healing currents present themselves so that hearts are restored and transformed.

The Most Holy Mary announced:

“Despite the conflicts, despite the wars, despite the natural disasters, despite the grave situation of this humanity, despite the death penalty or prison, through the sacred elements of the Nature of God, the Celestial Father will send, once again, His Son to the world to rebuild this wounded and martyrized surface. And for this We are preparing you, dear children.

>>> May 23, 2024 - Special Apparition of the Virgin Mary, which took place at Lake Shastina, Mount Shasta, California, USA.

The Virgin Mary announced that the time for sowing is already ending, but as God's Mercy is great, She brought with Her a basket with the last seeds of Light to be sown in hearts.
Our Lady asked if our hearts could really become tabernacles for these seeds of Light.

She said that we need to understand that, for peace and good to exist in humanity, change must first occur in ourselves. Thus, through gestures of love and mercy, through acts of forgiveness and compassion, we can be bearers of God's Eternal Paradise within us.

The Celestial Mother also thanked all the ones who pray and devotees who, in the month of May, consciously worked on the reconsecration to Her Maternal and Immaculate Heart, stating that in these times this spiritual exercise must become daily.

>>> May 24, 2024 - Special Apparition of the Virgin Mary, which took place at Lake Shastina, Mount Shasta, California, USA.

In this Apparition, Our Lady presented Herself as the Lady of Silence and announced that, through sacred silence, the Love of God stops and destroys the forces of evil.

She said that when the Spiritual Hierarchy calls souls so clearly to silence, it is not only to be able to establish peace, but also so that each one can carry out their inner review.

Therefore, on that day, the Virgin Mary asked us to make a synthesis of the aspects that may have corroded our lives and spirits. She said that it will be necessary to rethink many internal and external situations.

However, this must be done without guilt, self-deception, justifications or permissiveness; on the contrary, in this intimate reflection the Holy Spirit of understanding, science, wisdom and acceptance must reign.

The Blessed Virgin observed that the universe is dynamic and constant. In it, nothing can remain static or immobile. Therefore, our transformation must also be constant. But She warned that, according to the Law of Purification, whenever we are invited to take a new step, there is something that needs to be purified.

Our Lady emphasized that the Divine Hierarchy will walk alongside those who follow Their guidelines and do not modify them. “This is Our most recent decision in the face of the planetary reality.”, She highlighted.

Finally, the Divine Mother indicated that one of our spiritual tasks, in addition to serving those who suffer, should be listening.


Continue following the Pilgrimage for Peace in North America! Soon, we will publish the synthesis of the final stage of this Mission, which is taking place in Canada.