From March 24 to 31, the Marian Center of Figueira, in Carmo da Cachoeira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, was once again the stage for Sacred Week, the most emblematic event of the Work of the Divine Messengers.
In this 11th edition, more than 1,000 people from different countries gathered in person to contemplate the Passion of Christ and, above all, to listen to the Messages that He delivered, for eight consecutive days, through the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, monk of the Grace Mercy Order.
Furthermore, internet users from dozens of countries followed the event live, through broadcasts carried out on the Misericordia María TV channel.
The Consoling Spirit that supports us
In each edition of the Sacred Week, Our Lord imprints, in His Messages, the appropriate tone for that moment, taking into account the need and degree of adherence of souls.
Over the years, the Master has deepened His Teachings and Revelations on the experience of Love and Redemption, while taking us to the celestial heights with the vibration of His Spiritual and Divine Presence.
Christ Jesus carried this preparation forward to definitively establish His Spiritual and Celestial Government in our lives. And, in recent times, He has called us to advance in the School of Christification with a determination and urgency associated with the acceleration of this planetary transition.
Thus, through the previous Sacred Weeks, we were led to exercise unconditional openness to Christ's Commands of Love, experiencing the spiritual pressure of this commitment to the Heights.
Now, in this year 2024, Our Lord came with the sweetest Love from His Heart to confirm our vows of internal consecration and to alleviate our human condition in its most tired and vulnerable aspects.
The Master brought to us the Consoling Spirit of God, the Tender Gaze of God, the Affection of God and the Sacred Feminine Energy, represented by the fidelity of the Virgin Mary and the holy women, to lighten the weight of our personal cross, to encourage us to rise from our falls, rebuild our dignity and even rescue our self-esteem.
He declared that each one of us, for all the days to come, must have the bravery and courage to start again, but that we must not fear or give up, because the strength of the spirit that is united with God is very great and there is no evil in this world that can bring down the burning aspiration of a heart.
Praised be Our Lord, full of ineffable Love, Tenderness and Wisdom, who from cycle to cycle comes to renew His spiritual impulses so that all our planes of consciousness and areas of life are illuminated, healed and redeemed!
Spiritual keys to living Love
Our Lord also transmitted spiritual indications and keys for us to experience Christic Love in our daily lives.
The Master highlighted that Christic Love is something possible, close, tender, safe and simple, which is perfected in imperfection and grows through our stance in the face of what is apparently unjust.
He said that He will test our degrees of Love through the souls He will send into our lives. Therefore, it is essential that our hearts and consciousnesses are open to welcome and help others without judgment or criticism.
Christ also announced that the next three years, a period in which He will carry out spiritual and physical incursions into some of the most needy regions of the world, will define His Return.
Next, read a summary of what happened on each of the eight days of Sacred Week 2024.

1st day - March 24
Christ Jesus recalled His triumphant entry into Jerusalem, stating that He was coming to meet us in the same way as He did with the people of Israel in that passage of the Gospel.
The Master alluded to the different moments in which, more than two thousand years ago, our souls listened to Him and were with Him in the Holy Land.
Thus, welcoming the reunion that was taking place between our souls and Him, Our Lord declared that He was coming on this first day of the event to purify us spiritually and, in this way, open the door to the elevation of our consciousnesses.
The Omniscience of Christ
Our Lord revealed that He knows everything that happens to each one of us, all the time. This is possible not only because He sees through the Tender Gaze of God and feels through the Affection of God, but also because He accompanies us day by day, as part of His spiritual flock, the flock that is already preparing His Return.
In this way, the Redeemer asked us to give Him everything that afflicts, saddens and burdens us, because in this way He could lift us up, make us reborn and renew everything from the inside out through the Consoling Spirit of God.
He also invited us to enter the eternal present through His Sacred Heart, which was exposed and open like a Temple to receive each of our souls, as well as each of our offerings and intentions.
The Savior announced that, after this purification, He would open the doors to the path of consecration that each of us could live from this Sacred Week.
But the Master highlighted that it doesn't matter how it will happen, as long as it is true. He also said that we should take it one step at a time, without rushing or worrying about a formal consecration, because in truth our souls are already consecrated to Him.
On that day, Christ Jesus consecrated the first eleven male Helpers of the Divine Mercy of Jesus, establishing the male expression of this civil branch of the Grace Mercy Order.
- Read the transcript of the Apparition of Christ Jesus from March 24.
- Watch the video of the Apparition of Christ Jesus on the first day of Sacred Week 2024.
2nd day - March 25
The Law of Transmutation
On this day Christ Jesus spoke about the Law of Transmutation.
The Master explained that, in order to guide this Redemption Project in the most balanced and harmonious way possible, new Laws needed to be created in the Source of the Eternal Father, since disobedience caused the course of Creation to deviate from God's Original Thought.
One of the Laws created to help creatures evolve in these new conditions was the Law of Transmutation.
Our Lord observed that this Law remains a mystery to humanity, even though beings like Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha, and other enlightened people of different origins and times, have known it through inner revelation.
Preparing the Return of Christ
Since it has been created, the Law of Transmutation has intervened several times to correct humanity's deviations.
Christ Jesus cited, as examples of moments in which this Law acted, the disappearance of the civilizations of Lemuria and Atlantis, the spiritual and esoteric construction of Egypt, as well as the First and Second World Wars.
The Master also revealed that, after 1988, the Law of Transmutation went into recess on the planet. However, in recent times, the Spiritual Hierarchy has once again used it, with authorization from the Eternal Father, with the purpose of preparing the Return of Christ.
It was explained to us that this Law is descending into the world in this end of time to work intensely for those who need it most. It acts broadly, encompassing the core of the essence, the soul and the spiritual being.
Violet Ray
Christ Jesus clarified that the Law of Transmutation is a Ray from the Source of Creation that expresses itself through the color violet, a very high frequency for this material and mental universe.
It is a creative, intelligent and autonomous Law, which acts according to need.
New Humanity
The Master said that, upon His Return, the Law of Transmutation, as well as other Universal Laws, will pass through the stratosphere and the atmosphere of the planet, stronger than the rays of the Sun, exorcizing, correcting and renewing all things, so that the New Humanity can manifest itself.
Afterward, peace will be re-established and everything will begin again, in a state of indescribable happiness, as it was originally conceived, before Adam and Eve.
Therefore, Christ is preparing us so that we can endure the greatness of this event, when the Power of God will be known on Earth.
A daily correction exercise
The Savior asked us to impress this on our conscience: every time we disobey, we are contributing to the deterioration of the laws on the planet. Therefore, we must be careful with our thoughts, attitudes and intentions, in an exercise of self-observation and daily correction.
On that day, Our Lord consecrated 79 new worshipers of the Eucharistic Body of Christ. Furthermore, the priests of the Grace Mercy Order officiated at the sacrament of the washing of the right foot.
- Read the transcript of the Apparition of Christ Jesus from March 25.
- Watch the video of the Apparition of Christ Jesus on the second day of Sacred Week 2024.
3rd day - March 26
The essence of God's Love
On this day, Christ Jesus announced that He was coming to speak to us with the sweetest Love of His Heart and presented the essence of His Origin, which is the very essence of the Love of God.
The Master said that He would take away some of the weight off our personal cross, so that we could rest in His arms and feel the greatness of His Love, a Love that allows us to overcome all adversities and trials.
Our Lord stated that we need to learn to dissolve ourselves in His Love, as His Ocean of Graces is infinite and purifies all impurities and sins.
Rising from falls
Christ Jesus asked us not to tire of persisting, despite our falls and sufferings, as there is a Greater Love that blesses us and embraces us even in the most severe conditions, a Love that is capable of forgiving any situation, under any circumstances.
This does not mean that we do not continue to fall or suffer in our lives, but rather that we must learn from each episode so as not to make the same mistakes.
Our Lord highlighted that, in order not to experience the same adverse situations again, we must live His Word with care, transparency and justice, in addition to seeking in Eucharistic Communion the profound renewal of every atom and cell of our being.
The Master also declared that He was coming to restore the dignity of each one of us. In deep humility, the Savior stated that He would do this in the same way He was raised up by the Flame of Love of His Most Holy Mother when, upon falling during the Via Crucis, She met Him and Her Immaculate Heart removed the contrary forces, allowing Him to get back on His feet again.
Christs of the New Time
The Savior stated that He needs our help so that there are Christs of the New Time.
He declared that Christic Love is not unattainable. It is a possible, close, tender, safe Love that lives in simple and humble souls, as well as in those who serve tirelessly and who do not allow themselves to go backwards on His Path.
The key to overcoming
The Master indicated that, if we are struck on one cheek, in humility we must offer the other; if we are offended, we must have the courage to forgive; if we are hurt, we must have the courage to see the Lord disfigured in the Calvary, remembering that love can renew all things.
He also revealed that the great key to overcoming, the one that opens the door to love and to compassion lies in what is apparently unfair.
Masters of the East
At this point, Christ made reference to the compassion that shone in His Masters of the East, those who visited Him in Bethlehem and found Him through the signs of Heaven.
The Lord reported that, later, out of love and reverence for everything that is sacred in the Far East, He reciprocated the visit to these beings that we know in the Christian tradition as the wise men, an occasion on which He learned and remembered wonderful things.
Burning Heart
At the end of this Apparition, Our Lord placed His Burning Heart to levitate above the public, radiating His Infinite Love to everyone. He stated: “My Heart lives for you. This is the reason for My Life.”
Finally, the priests of the Grace Mercy Order administered the sacrament of Baptism. Christ Jesus asked that, in this ceremony, we spiritually renew our first baptism, as an offering so that lost souls could be rescued in different parts of the world.
- Read the transcript of the Apparition of Christ Jesus from March 26.
- Watch the video of the Apparition of Christ Jesus on the third day of Sacred Week 2024.
4th day - March 27
The descent of the Most Holy Trinity
In this Apparition, we received the unknown and infinite Grace of being visited, in the depths of the spirit, by the Sovereign and Eternal God, who came to grant reconciliation to those who sought it.
The Eternal Father came accompanied by His Most Loving Son, Christ the Redeemer, and the Mother of the Holy Spirit. Thus, a sacred geometry was formed, whose matrices were deposited in our inner world, as preparation for the emergence of the New Humanity.
Christ Jesus announced that the Most High Father was coming to elevate our souls, for a moment, to the Kingdom of Heaven, and to collect in His Arms all those who have fallen and become trapped in suffering, without being able to find light and love.
Archangels Uriel and Gabriel
Archangel Uriel and Archangel Gabriel were present at this moment, so that once again the Ark of the Holy Covenant would be renewed by the experiences of redemption and forgiveness of souls who strive to live in Christ.
Our Lord revealed that the holy Archangels were erasing our errors from the Books of Divine Justice and, in this way, purifying our souls before God.
Message from Adonai
At one point, the Eternal Father directly addressed His children. He presented Himself with the Sacred Name of Adonai, the Resplendent and Living God, the Immaculate Mirror of Creation. Christ Jesus then explained that we were before the Father-Mother Creator.
Adonai announced Himself as the Law of Living Love, Love through which everything was created, and said that His Heart was open, all the way open, to receive us.
The Father-Mother Creator transmitted a sublime Message to humanity. He exhorted us to praise Him, just as nature praises Him, so that spiritual sensitivity returns to the human heart. Thus, more souls will be able to abandon indifference and open themselves to charity, establishing the forgiveness that the world needs in the face of so many injustices, wars and suffering.
Among so many Teachings, the Most High God also stated that, when we recognize and worship Him, we allow His Sacred Attributes to enter our being and, in this way, we can find the Promised Land within us. He also revealed that the cradle of the New Humanity, of which those who decide can be part, is in His Heart.
The direct Door to GodAfter the Message of Adonai, Christ Jesus said that we were before the Sacrificed Consciousness of God, which aspired to correct humanity before it was too late. Our Lord then reiterated that He, as the Firstborn Son, is the only and direct Door to reach God.
At the end of this Apparition, Our Lord consecrated 30 new Helpers of the Divine Mercy of Jesus and the priests of the Grace Mercy Order administered the sacrament of Anointing.
- Read the transcript of the Apparition of Christ Jesus from March 27.
- Watch the video of the Apparition of Christ Jesus on the fourth day of Sacred Week 2024.
5th day - March 28
On this day, the priests of the Grace Mercy Order, in the company of the Sacred and Unfathomable Heart of Jesus, celebrated the Eucharist against the scenario of a representation of Holy Supper. In this ceremony, Our Lord granted a spiritual amnesty to the souls.
After that, two new priests of the Grace Mercy Order were ordained and the sacrament of Foot washing took place.
A moment dedicated to the mothers of the consecrated
In His Apparition, Christ Jesus lovingly dedicated the moment of Communion and priestly ordination to the mothers of the consecrated monks and nuns. He invited those mothers present in the auditorium to approach the stage and light a candle, which He would consecrate.
The Master said that He was calling them with the purpose of reminding them that He takes care of everything so that souls can live His Will, especially families and loved ones. This was the case with the holy women, who entrusted their husbands so that they could follow the apostolate and priesthood of Christ.
Our Lord observed that, just as His Most Holy Mother gave to God what She loved most in Her life, Jesus, so too, the mothers of consecrated men and women had also already given to the Supreme Father what was most precious to them.
Mothers, the support of God
The Master stated that mothers are God's support so that His children walk safely towards the Heart of the Lord.
In this way, He asked mothers to continue praying for their sons and daughters on Earth, especially for those who consecrated themselves to Christ to achieve that holiness that will justify the serious errors of the world.
The essence of the Love of God
The Redeemer also asked that all the sons and daughters remember their mothers with love, forgive each other and be reconciled, for in this way, the Most Holy Mother of God would be glorified.
Our Lord then transmitted a spiritual key: “In what is imperfect, God makes Himself perfect. This is the essence of God’s Love.”
Our Lord also highlighted that God is glorified in each soul that is consecrated and ordained, beyond their imperfections and sins, as the Eternal Father has the Power to transform everything with His Love.
- Read the transcript of the Apparition of Christ Jesus from March 28.
- Watch the video of the Apparition of Christ Jesus on the fifth day of Sacred Week 2024.
6th day - March 29
The holy women
On that day, Christ Jesus asked the mothers of the Grace Mercy Order to approach the stage and for everyone present to light a candle, symbolizing the flame of Love and Divine Purpose, as well as the vigil and adoration of the Lord during His agony on Good Friday.
Our Lord revealed a profound experience that He lived, in a tender and spiritual way, which sustained Him so that He had the courage to live His Passion: having felt the Love of His Most Holy Mother and of the holy women. The Master said that, despite everything He had done for the world, what lifted His Will in the most difficult hour was the fidelity of the holy women.
The opportunity for transfiguration
The Redeemer announced that, on that day, His five main Wounds radiated Light to the four corners of the Earth, while He tried to transfigure our paths, transforming them through the power of His Precious and Divine Blood, carefully guarded and watched over in the Ark of the Holy Covenant by the four custodian angels.
Returning to the path of Love
Christ Jesus stated that, after the experience lived with Him in the Holy Land, our feet walked along paths other than His.
Therefore, through this Sacred Week, He was making us return to His only and true path, which is the path of Love.
The Master asked us to pray and care for His Love in the world and explained that this will happen mainly through our own experience of love on a daily basis, starting with the people we have by our side.
A warning
Our Lord stated that humanity is changing its course and warned us to be careful not to be deceived, especially by modernities, as they are trying to replace the Living God with artificial gods, blocking and paralyzing human sensitivity.
However, the Savior assured us that if we exercise the attributes of love, redemption, service and charity, our spirits will remain alive in these end times, and there will be no opposing current to the Love of God that will make us waver.
The importance of remembering the Passion of Christ
Our Lord explained that it is necessary to remember His Passion every year because humanity forgets, in an instant, who He was and what He represents as a living part of the Creator, as an intermediary and mediator between souls and the Eternal Father. And what would happen to souls if no one followed His path or even remembered him?
Spiritual Communion and Marriage Blessing
The Master delivered to the public, through His Spirit and Divinity, Spiritual and Sacramental Communion, saying it was the same one that the Most Holy Virgin Mary had received from the Archangel Gabriel.
At the end of this Apparition, Christ Jesus instituted the blessing of the sacrament of Marriage, with the intention of re-establishing the Purpose of God in family cells. He blessed four couples, representing all the families in the world, through anointing, holy water and incense.
- Read the transcript of the Apparition of Christ Jesus from March 29.
- Watch the video of the Apparition of Christ Jesus on the sixth day of Sacred Week 2024.
7th day - March 30
The next three years
On that day, Christ Jesus transmitted Teachings that aim to prepare us for the next three years, when, according to Him, decisive events will occur in the world. The Master announced that, during this period, His Return will be defined.
The conclusion of an experience on Earth
Our Lord stated that after this material experience on Earth, our souls must return to God. That's why everything we do here will represent the evolutionary or non-evolutionary result of the synthesis we will experience on the higher planes of consciousness, also called the Kingdom of Heaven.
According to Him, our souls are on Earth to complete an experience, which for most is their last. Therefore, we cannot leave this world without first having forgiven and without also having asked for forgiveness.
The Savior observed that many have submerged themselves in suffering and guilt, but that we must always keep in mind that God loves us despite any situation or condition and that He still keeps the Door of His Divine Mercy open. He said that God has no wrath; God has Pity, Grace and Mercy.
Not a particle of Divine Grace is wasted
Our Lord warned that we must protect from ourselves the Christic codes that He is depositing, at the request of the Eternal Father, in the heart of our souls and essences. This is because, just as God gives everything, He can also take away, since not a single particle of His Grace is wasted in the Universe.
Christ Jesus invited us to imitate the example of the angels and the saints, who adore, love and revere God, for in this way, our lives will grow in spiritual and human dignity. Furthermore, in this way, those virtues that the Creator preciously chose for each soul could be delivered in the near future.
Action time
The Redeemer warned that the time for preparation is ending and the time for action is beginning, because the emergency in the world is great. He said that the Law of God must be re-established on the planet, and this will happen through our merciful attitudes.
According to the Master, mercy will help us to perceive the need wherever we are.
Open hearts and consciousnesses
Christ highlighted that we must be clear that not everyone will be able to live the same model of evolutionary life. If this were imposed on souls, the consequences could be irreversible.
Therefore, we need to learn, every day, to understand the need of our fellow beings. In this way, we will truly help the growth of each brother and sister, sustaining and supporting their being, without condemning them.
Our Lord said that the hearts and consciences of His followers must be open so that souls can rediscover and serve Him through this Work.
Christ will test our degrees of love
Christ Jesus revealed that He will send souls into our lives and, through them, He will put us to the test to know if His degrees of love were correctly sown within us.
The Master indicated that, in this definitive time, all our decisions must be premeditated, as discernment might not be enough. So that we can be guided by the Law of Love, it will be necessary to ask for Light to resolve each issue.
Will we withstand the vibration of the Presence of the Lord?
Our Lord has informed us that, over the next three years, He will make spiritual and physical incursions in some places on the planet, which will complete the preparation of His Return. He reiterated that He will come unannounced, like a stranger, and that we must be alert to recognize Him.
owever, so that we are able to bear the vibratory Presence of the Lord, it will be important that our intentions, attitudes and forms are already purified.
Deference to José Trigueirinho
Christ Jesus announced that, on that day, Communion would be officiated in the presence of seven custodian angels and celebrated in the name of all souls who are awakening and who will awaken.
In preparation for this moment, Our Lord recalled the principles that created the Light-Community of Figueira, as an expression of God's Plan on the surface of the Earth, and paid homage to its founder, José Trigueirinho Netto, who was the one who opened the doors for the Divine Hierarchy to be speaking to the world today.
Finally, the priests of the Grace Mercy Order performed once more the sacrament of Baptism.
- Read the transcript of the Apparition of Christ Jesus from March 30.
- Watch the video of the Apparition of Christ Jesus on the seventh day of Sacred Week 2024.
8th day - March 31
Witnesses of the Love of Christ
Christ Jesus announced that He was coming on this last day of Sacred Week - the day to celebrate His Resurrection - so that we could be witnesses of His Presence and His Redeeming Love. The Master asked that, despite our imperfections, we contemplate the greatness of the miracle of Love in our lives, in the same way He could spiritually contemplate in the inner planes.
Our Lord stated that the Angelic Hierarchies were around Him at that moment so that the experiences of love, reconciliation and forgiveness that we were able to live in this Sacred Week would be written in the Book of Life, kept in the Ark of the Holy Covenant.
He also revealed that the prize reserved for those who truly collaborated with this event would be very great; the greatest of which would be for His Love to transform us into what He expected and aspired to.
Intercessory prayers
The Master highlighted that, although humanity's debt is great and unknown, greater and more powerful can be the Work of Mercy in the hearts that respond to His Call.
He said that our prayers during the Sacred Week will allow marginalized, poor and innocent souls in the world to be helped in this next cycle.
Time of challenges and growth
Our Lord indicated that the coming times will bring challenges for everyone, but also many opportunities for growth and giving, so that the faults of humanity can be justified by the acts of the consistent ones. Thus, it will be possible that, instead of Justice, Mercy will be poured out upon the planet.
Prodigal son
Our Lord observed that many souls present at the event portrayed the parable of the prodigal son.
The Master then emphasized that the Eternal Father is not severe with those who make mistakes due to ignorance or unconsciousness. With His Arms open, God places His misguided children on the path of return to His Heart and, with His Love and His Mercy, dilutes all the faults and offenses committed by the soul, so that it starts again from scratch.
The strength of the spirit united with God
Christ declared that each one of us, for all the days to come, must have the bravery and courage to start again, just as He did at every step of Calvary. The Redeemer recalled that, even if He could not, He started over at every moment, because the strength of the spirit that is united with God is very great and there is no evil in this world that can overthrow the burning aspiration of a heart.
Everything has its time
The Savior highlighted that everything has its moment and its time, including the triumph of God's Love in souls. Therefore, we must not become bitter and saddened, but rather leave this Sacred Week renewed, trusting our lives completely in the Hands of God.
Christ said that He wanted us to take with us what He has most precious among all the treasures, gifts and graces: His Redeeming Love, which transfigures hearts. According to Him, this is what will drive us to move forward in these unknown times, bringing us the hope of renewal and even helping us to have self-esteem.
At the end of the Apparition, the Lord spiritually approached His companions and followers, placing Himself among the public and radiating His Blessings.
After Communion, the Master offered to everyone present the Sacrament of Anointing, so that we could carry within us the visible sign of the Cross of the Redeemer, which will accompany us until the end of this life.