During a message transmitted to Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús on July 3,
Christ Jesus asks us to adore His Eucharistic Heart through the Blessed Sacrament, for five minutes.
This spiritual practice, according to the Master, may restore His Heart and the Heart of the Father
for the offenses and the ingratitude that They receive from humanity.
"It is an inexplicable feeling, it is an inextinguishable sensation,
it is a very great pain to bare
and, above all, to carry within My Heart."
Through the Adoration, the seven feelings that most offend the Heart of God will be restored and transmuted:
- The feeling of indifference
- The feeling of ingratitude
- The feeling of denial
- The feeling of cowardice
- The Feeling of negligence
- The lack of faith
- The lack of love for the Works of God and their fulfillment on the Earth
"For these seven feelings, you will adore the Eucharistic Heart of the Lord of the Universe
and you will offer reparation, so that the souls do not keep confusing themselves.”
Let us remember, then, the absolute power of the Eucharistic Jesus, Who freely giving of Himself
to the Passion and to death on the Cross, redeemed the Earth and brought us salvation.
Let us honor the greatest sacrifice of Love of history,
and in a simple and humble way, follow the request of the Great Lord.
It is important that we emphasize that He is present in all the Tabernacles of the world,
wherever they may be, and our offering of worship will be received by His Heart.
The Grace Mercy Order has, as 4th Branch, the Adorers of the Mystical and Eucharistic Body of Christ. This is a Civil Branch, formed from a request made by Jesus in 2014. (See the request here)
Those who offer themselves for answering this call go through a period of experience and of a deepening in the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. After that period, the candidate is ready to confirm their consecration before Christ, taking un a formal commitment with the Grace Mercy Order, making their vows of Adoration, Prayer, and Service.
For more information on the 4th Branch of the Grace Mercy Order, write to: