Three years of the Rosary for the Peace of the Children in the War and Trilogy of Prayer for the End of Times

We are commemorating three years of daily prayer of the Rosary for the Peace of the Children in the War, and our Most Holy Mother, Who accompanies us with Her watchful and merciful eyes, guides us to daily continue praying this Rosary for indefinite period.

On September 20th, 2015, the Virgin Mary charged us with this spiritual practice to be done daily for 3 years. In that message, Our Lady asked us to pray to deter the anger of God in the world and to intercede for the souls of the innocent children, so that Celestial Peace may be established in the poor hearts of the world. 

On September 20th of 2018, on completing the third year of prayer, the Most Holy Mary tells us:

“The prayer of the Rosary for the Peace of the Children in the War prevented many events, but other situations, up to now, continue to be avoided by the presence of those who pray on Earth.” 

Mary, Rose of Peace, September 20th, 2018

She explained to us that this Rosary is not only an appeal to the great archangels and their hosts of Light so that they may intervene in the physical-spiritual situation of current humanity, but that it is also a spiritual impulse to awaken the solidarity, cooperation, and charity in each creature of the Earth, regardless of their religion and creed.

In this message, the Divine Mother also gave us another spiritual practice: the Rosary to Know and to Learn to Go Through the End of Cycles.

Our Mother informed us that the Rosary for the Peace of the Children in the War, together with the Rosary for the Salvation of the Kingdoms of Nature and the Rosary to Know and to Learn to Go Through the End of Cycles are part of a Trilogy of Prayer for the End of Times, that can help to consolidate the faith of servers and a definite trust in the concretization of the Plans of God.

With hearts infinitely grateful, may we be able to be responsive to the requests of Mary and surrender our sincere hearts to Her so that the graces from Heaven may continue to be poured out upon the Earth and so that the Plans of God may be fulfilled.

*Trilogy of Prayer for the End of Times:


To read the full message of September 20, click here.