Thursday, January 19 of 2023


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

With the Child Jesus in My arms, I come to ask you not to forget to light a candle for the impossible causes, for the most deeply rooted sins, for the miseries embraced by the heart of humanity, for impunity, for indifference, so that all of this, children, may be replaced by the Sacred Flame of God’s Purpose.

I no longer come to teach you how to pray, for you already know how. Throughout the last fifteen years, you were instructed about this. You were instructed by the One who constantly prays and does not tire of interceding for humanity, for this planet and for all of Creation. Because the One who once was the Mother of Jesus is not only the Mother of the Savior, but She is also the Mother of all life, all that lives and breathes.

Just as Christ, the Living God, manifested Himself on Earth through Jesus, also, children, the Womb of Creation, the Principle that gives life to all things, the Maternal Love of God, manifested Itself on Earth through the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Therefore, it is now time for you to recognize this Heart and honor It as It truly deserves.

Do not limit the Mysteries of Creation to human understanding, nor to that which is written in sacred books.

I ask you today: do you believe that at that time, two-thousand years ago, any human being on Earth truly understood the Presence of Christ?

Do any of you believe that two-thousand years ago a man of the Earth was capable of narrating with perfection all that which was happening in the world through the Presence of Christ?

Yes, the Spirit of God speaks through creatures, and it was through this Holy Spirit that the apostles and disciples of Christ were able to narrate the Gospel, the New Testament, left to testify to the Presence of the Savior on Earth.

But the Spirit of God also respects the free will of humanity, its limitations, the expansion of its consciousness, the openness of its hearts. Therefore, the Word of God reaches as far as humanity can accept. This is why I once again tell you, and this time I ask you, not to limit the Greatness of the Creator to human understanding.

The time and the hour have come for the expansion of consciousness of beings, for the veils to be torn, not only in the temple, but also within beings, within the consciousness of each being of this Earth. May the veil that separates this world from universal life, from the Eternal Time, also be torn.

This will not happen according to human will. God’s Will, children, will not be based on the consent of humanity, because the time of Justice has come, and Justice is perfect. It will give and offer beings that which they deserve at this time.

Each farmer will reap according to what they have sown. Each gardener will see the emergence of the flowers that they have watered. And those who did not tend the garden will contemplate the dry land, waiting for a little green leaf to feel the breath of life.

In what role of this story do you want to be?

The time of definition is still in progress, the definition of souls takes place at every instant. At every instant, the human being has the possibility of discovering their potential and of no longer living according to the old human being but rather according to Divine Purpose. In the same way, at every instant, the adversary gives you the possibility of abandoning this Purpose and submerging into the human condition.

This is why it is time to keep vigil.

This is why it is time to pray as you have learned to do.

This is why it is time to strengthen virtues.

This is why it is time to delve into Knowledge, and for Instruction to no longer to be conditioned by human understanding, but rather for beings to open up, to delve into this infinity which God’s Creation is.

We have presented to you many things, knowledge and information that humanity does not even imagine exists. I even say to you, children, that this is a speck of sand in the desert, it is a drop of water in the ocean, it is a tiny star in the infinite cosmos.

There is a lot more to be revealed, and the revelations will come, one by one, without asking for permission from humanity. The veils will begin to be torn and the structures will break within beings, and the foundations of the religions, those built upon human concepts, will also break.

Where is support to be found?

Within the essence that moves all knowledge, all wisdom and all life.

In the essence of each religion dwells Divine Love, but it is like in a prison of human concepts, ideas, powers, wills, aspirations that come only from humanity, from its concrete, immature mind, which needs to grow at this time.

Those who can stay in this essence, who can go beyond concepts, beyond structures created by human beings, they will remain standing, and feel the freedom of their hearts when these structures break. Within them there will not be suffering, but rather joy, because they will come to know true freedom, which is not the independence that humanity seeks, but rather the spiritual freedom of delving into Divine Will and finally seeing the Father face to face, as He promised you.

This is why I come to warn you today that it is time to awaken. It is time to embrace infinity, delve into a knowledge that up to today has been hidden and that We have come to reveal to you by Divine Will.

This final year, which is the preparation for the withdrawal of the Divine Messengers, will be the last opportunity to awaken the human consciousness, so that the veils may be torn without suffering. This is why We so many times ask you to open up to Spiritual Instruction, to allow it to transform your consciousnesses and your human condition. Allow yourselves to experience Divine Love, which overflows within the beings that do not make it harder for themselves.

No longer say “I cannot,” “I am not capable,” “I cannot understand.” Say another prayer, another affirmation. Ask the Father:


Lord, that which I cannot do,
may You do it in me.
Lord, that which I am not capable of doing,
may You be capable of doing it in me.
Lord, in that which I cannot understand,
may Your Hand tear the veils of my consciousness
so that I can see, feel and experience You
in the immensity of Divine Creation.
Lord, in the face of my limitations,
may your unlimitedness present itself
before my barriers,
may Your Eternal Time show me the Truth,
may Your Voice awaken me from my dream
because I do not want to continue to sleep,
I need to awaken, rise and live Your full Will.

 Let this be your prayer.

When you are before a mystery, do not say that it does not exist. Simply acknowledge your own ignorance and allow it to be replaced by Divine Wisdom. Not only does this world holds great mysteries, but also your own beings hold them.

When the Lord told you, through His prophets, that you were created in the image and likeness of His Infinite Heart, what did you think? That God was created in the likeness of human beings? That he has a Face similar to yours?

What is God to you?

Breathe, feel life, there God is. Listen to the sounds of nature, there God is. Close your eyes, contemplate infinity, there God is.

What then is to be created in the image and likeness of the Creator?

Is there an infinity that dwells within you?

Are you capable, by any chance, of creating and re-creating as He does?

Are you capable of loving the way He does?

Can such an infinite Creator truly have given life only to this Earth? Was Divine Will really so small?

Just as you see the sky, the depths of the stars and their infinity, countless stars, so is God’s Love. The Love of the Father manifests Itself through life. Life, children, is the greatest expression of Divine Love, this is why it is not limited to this place.

And why can your eyes not see? Because your consciousness does not encompass Eternal Time.

How can you see with God’s Eyes, feel His Love, contemplate His Creation?

How not to believe that you are small, but rather discover that you are infinite?

When you love and open up to truly love, your consciousness expands, your senses expand, your heart dissolves the dimensions that separate this world from Eternal Time, which still separates humanity from the Heart of its Creator. There is no other reason for human ignorance other than the will of humanity itself to remain in it.

Therefore, allow yourselves to love, not only love one another with a human love. May this not be the goal of your love. Allow yourselves to go beyond, allow yourselves to be infinite and open your hearts to experience Divine, unlimited, infinite Love. In this way, children, when the truth emerges before your eyes, you will not fear.

When the treasures of this sacred planet are no longer hidden from your eyes, you will rejoice. When the life that dwells in the stars can finally share and learn from human life, you will be able to teach them, not about ignorance, but rather about Divine Love, because this is the reason why this Earth school was made.

This is a small school, a little flower in the Garden of Creation, a flower cultivated carefully, with care and predilection, but a tiny flower in God’s Garden. A flower that, in its smallness, must reveal the greatness of the Father for all life, its perfume must transform the whole garden, its seeds must renew the land, the land cultivated by God.

After listening to My Words, I ask you to study again all that We have told you throughout the last fifteen years. Take the Instructions you have not understood, stay before them and ask for the Grace of greater understanding, ask for the Grace of expansion of consciousness. You will perceive, children, that We have not told you just some difficult words, that We have not spoken to you with just a few symbols or parables, but rather with a deeply spiritual truth that was kept there, and that it was transmitted with a reason, with the purpose that the consciousness of humanity might be ready to live God’s Will, to again find its origin, and for you to be an example, for all of Creation, of the transformation of consciousness, redemption and Divine Mercy.

This is all that I wanted to tell you today, transmit these Words that the Creator sent to Me and, with His Son in My arms, I came to bless you and say to you that the transformation of each one of you transforms the whole human consciousness. Do not think that your steps are insignificant. None of you is insignificant before God.

May those who have fallen stand up humbly, start from scratch, re-building their inner worlds.

May those who are tired breathe, allow the Creator to renew your beings so that you may continue on.

May those who doubt, pray, ask for your consciousness to expand.

May those who have doubt about themselves trust in God, because if they are similar to Him, He will not allow them to stay in their miseries. Or do you by any chance believe that the Creator made you in His image and likeness for you to stay in your human superficiality? No, children, the Creator aspires for much more than that, and this is the time and the hour for you to live His Divine Will.

May the Sacraments, prayer, silence and service always be the foundations for the transformation of your beings. When you cannot step out of yourselves, serve, do something for others, even if it is in your own homes. When you forget what I have told you, listen to My Words again.

In the Presence of the Child Jesus, I bless you, I give peace back to you and leave you the Sacrament of the Eucharist. In this way, with the Presence of the Living God physically within you, the Divine Mystery will expand, reach your cells, your atoms, liberate the Light that dwells in them and allow your consciousness to take one more step in this awakening and in this transformation.

I bless you and thank you.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Click to read all the messages of the Saint Joseph