Friday, December 1 of 2023


Let the Mirrors of supplication and of crying out be ignited, which demonstrate to the Heart of God that souls accept receiving Mercy and achieving redemption.

Let the Mirrors of supplication and of crying out be ignited, uniting supplicant souls and those who reflect celestial attributes for life into a single network.

The time has come, children, to live each of the Universal Lineages in each instant of life, to thus awaken the meaning of existence of beings on Earth.

In order to balance what is happening today in the world and ignite a light in the middle of the darkness, of the battle of chaos and evil, awake and conscious beings need to responsibly live a union with the Lineages in their hearts, and in this way, draw from the Heart of God the archetypes of evolutionary life expressed there so they may become a reality through each of you.

The Lineages will be the key for the balance of the planet when lived with sincerity and transparency, transforming the activity of the human ego through the vibration of spiritual life. The Lineages will be the key for the elevation of the consciousness, so as to not allow your souls to succumb to the distractions and the stimulations of the world.

Through the experience of the Lineages, your lives will be constantly reminded of the why and for what your being is on Earth at this time.

You are here, children, to be Guardians of the Divine Purpose; to be Contemplatives and Supplicants that intercede for souls; to be Priests that maintain the union of Heaven with Earth; to be Mirrors of the divine archetypes; to be Healers of all the wounds the human consciousness experiences in this time and thus aid beings in restoring the original patterns of the body, the mind and the spirit.

You are here to be Governors, first of yourselves, and to know to remain firmly on the pathway that God indicated you live.

You are here to be Rulers and uplift not only your own consciousness, but rather, that of all beings in all of life, learning that evolution occurs when there is communion among all that was created.

You are here to acquire the knowledge and live it with wisdom, and in this way, be teachers, first through your example, then through the word.

You are in this world, children, to establish a new life, this life that today is in transition, and many times, is hidden below the horizon of the Earth, making it seem impossible for this Purpose to be fulfilled.

But I come here today to tell you to not lose hope, that you not fix your eyes and hearts on the chaos of the world, but rather on the potential of your souls, and before observing everything that is not lived in the world, you think first of what each of you can offer to transform it, and the Lineages hold an important key for living this mystery.

For this reason, live each of the Lineages with wisdom, with gratitude, with striving and with truth, and one day you will see that, through your lives, the fruit of a new life will have sprouted on Earth.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Click to read all the messages of the Saint Joseph