Novena of Saint Joseph

Request of the Virgin Mary, to ask the intercession of the Most Chaste Heart for the manifestation of the Marian Pilgrimage in America.


On the 13th of November of 2013, during Her Apparition in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay; the Divine Mother made a new request:

A novena with prayers transmitted by Saint Joseph in July of 2013 when He conducted private apparitions for nine days in a row for the visionary Sister Lucia.

The Virgin Mary asked us for this new novena to be conducted with the intention of achieving the intercession of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph for the manifestation of Her Marian task and of Her apparition in the different countries of America.

In His novena Saint Joseph transmitted to us nine prayers, each one corresponding to one day of the novena.

To begin the exercise, you may read the message transmitted by Saint Joseph related to the prayer of that day.

Afterwards, the prayer is recited 72 times.

Saint Joseph tell us about this exercise:


"This novena was delivered to those who aspire to transform the deep aspects of the consciousness and through the intercession of My Most Holy Heart, to find a path of simplicity and of union with the Spirit of God.

By means of this novena not only will you be able to achieve the intercession of My Heart for your spirits and consciousnesses, but also and above all, you will learn to be intercessors before God for all of humanity, so that each being finds the union with God, and by means of this union they can return to the arms of the Creator".



FIRST DAY - Message: "In order to achieve Purity in the heart, in the spirit, in the mind and in the senses, you shall pray:

"Oh Infinite Purity,
that was born in the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph,
radiate Your Light to the hearts of the world
and live eternally in our hearts,
so that we may reach
the sublime humility.


"You shall repeat this prayer for 72 times on the first day, including the hearts of all of humanity, asking for the intervention of Saint Joseph and being intercessors before God".


SECOND DAY - Message: "On the second day of this novena you shall pray so that the entire world may be able to be a reflection of the Divine Actions and workers of His Will".

“Oh Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph,
place in my hands the Light of God,
make my gaze serene and pure.

May my feet walk for those who are most in need
and may my soul remain in the Heart of the Celestial Father.

May the service provided by each heart
be a crystalline reflection of the eternal Union with God.


"In the aspiration of serving you will find truths that are unknown for the human heart. Discover in the current times the secret of eternal service that finds the need that is presented at each step that is taken in life".


THIRD DAY - Message: "To construct in the heart an unshakable fortress of union with God and the full Faith in His Truth you shall pray the third prayer. In face of any obstacle against the works of the Creator, you shall pronounce it firmly on the word and with Faith in the Will of God".

 “By the Power and the Infinite Grace
of the Most Pure Heart of Saint Joseph,
may all the obstacles that do not permit
the fulfillment of the works of God be dissolved.

Saint Joseph, Most Chaste worker of God,
manifest today the Divine Will.


"The greatest secret of the worker of God is the strength in the Truth of the manifestation of the Creator. All that is a work for God, belongs to Him and by His Glory must be manifested.

Trust in the powerful ray of the Lord that through His Spirit can manifest the unthinkable and the impossible for the human minds".


FOURTH DAY - Message: "So that your actions may reflect the Greatness of the Divine Actions, and your hearts may be livings prolongations of the Heart of God, you shall pray:

"Crystalline will be my steps,
because in my heart
lives the pure intention of serving God.

Oh, Most Chaste Saint Joseph,
manifest in our existence
the Eternal Glory of the Creator.


"Pure intention leads to pure actions, and acting in a crystalline way before God, the Lord sends His Spirit so that help comes in aid of the souls and reflects in the spirits of the world the Eternal Glory of the Creator".


FIFTH DAY - Message: "To open the door of the heart to the Lord and give to Him the permission to act in your lives, on the 5th day, you shall pray:

 “Lord and King of everything that exists,
Supreme Will among the wills of the world,
manifest Your Wisdom in our life,
manifest Your Power and Will
in all the needs of the world.

Lord, you who knows what each being needs,
through the intercession of Your Faithful Servant, Saint Joseph,
help all of humanity.



"In this simple way, repeating to the Lord with purity of intention, you will lift the word to the Kingdom of the Heavens and permit that from there departs the Supreme Will to the whole world".


SIXTH DAY - Message: "On this day of deepening your own contact with the Universe of prayer, you shall ask God for His intercession, by saying:

"Celestial Father,
who has sent Saint Joseph as our Instructor and Shepherd,
by the intercession of the Most Holy Heart,
permit that our word be pure
as the most soft aroma of a flower
and as truthful as the deepest feeling
of our heart,
opening thus all the doors
that conduct us to Your Celestial Universe.


"To arrive to the Universe of God you need to cross many doors and overcome innumerable obstacles, and prayer is like a pure fluid that passes with deep Peace, as a soft key that opens all the doors, as an aroma of Love that crosses the Universes, which nothing can detain, and that has as its direction the Most Holy feet of the Creator".


SEVENTH DAY - Message: "True humility is born from the perseverance in the Heart of God, because the soul that never gets tired of searching the Lord ends up by merging itself in Him in heart, in essence and in spirit. For this moment of eternal walking you shall pray on the seventh day:

"Unfathomable Source of Humility,
under the guidance and the intercession of Saint Joseph,
emerge before our hearts,
dissolve our little spirit
in the Eternal Spirit of the Creator.



"For this today I tell you that the only path through which you must eternally continue is the path of the incessant search, as a soul that is always thirsty and that walks towards the Source of the most pure and crystalline water that it knows that is available for all".


EIGHTH DAY - Message: "While we prayed, Saint Joseph approached us in silence, He was observing us for a while, and afterwards He began to pray the following prayer:


“By the Sacred Silence,
that is born in the depths of the Most Chaste Heart,
silenced will be our aspirations,
silenced will be our bad intentions,
silenced will be our desires,
silenced will be our senses,
silenced will be our word and thought.

And through the Sacred intercession of Saint Joseph,
silenced will be our spirit
in the holy meeting with the Creator of the Celestial Universe.


"Be blessed by the silence of My Heart and in it learn to hear your own heart and the Most Holy Heart of God".


NINTH DAY - Message: "On the last day of this novena, you will pray to consolidate in the heart, in the intentions, and in the spirit, the pure union with God.

Feeling in your hearts the moment of offering this novena and to deepen the contact with God by means of each prayer, you will pray 72 times each prayer specific to each day. At the end of the nine days you will realize a sincere offer to the Lord of each prayer pronounced, so that through the intercession of My Heart, together with yours, humanity can achieve a New Time, and can live its true archetype of similarity with God and with His Messengers.

To finalize the novena, you will pray, with the depths of your heart:

“Lord God, that created all,
consolidate in our heart
the union with Your Sacred Spirit.

Consecrate our soul to Your Purpose of Love.

Fill our spirit and our heart,
with the undying Light of Your Kingdom.

And by means of this prayer, Lord,
Permit that our heart is definitively united to You.


"Under the Love of God and the intercession of the Most Chaste Heart, go on in Peace.

I bless you always and thank you for praying with Me from the Heart".

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Read the complete messages:

  • Saturday, July 13 of 2013, click here.
  • Sunday, July 14 of 2013, click here.
  • Monday, July 15 of 2013, click here.
  • Tuesday, July 16 of 2013, click here.
  • Wednesday, July 17 of 2013, click here.
  • Thursday, July 18 of 2013, click here.
  • Friday, July 19 of 2013, click here.
  • Saturday, July 20 of 2013, click here.
  • Sunday, July 21 of 2013, click here.