Saturday, March 1 of 2025


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

When the darkest night comes to the world, it will be the sign of the Return of the Light, for I Am the Light of the world, I was born for this and for this I live infinitely and eternally.

When the darkest penumbras cast the planet into shadow and it seems that nothing makes sense, within or outside beings, it will be the sign of the Return of My Light, it will be the hour for you to recognize Me and once again follow Me in all that I will do in this moment.

Meanwhile, may your faith not weaken, may your trust not be disturbed, may your conviction in Me not fade; for, if you allow Me to, I will place you in the learning experience that you need to grow internally so that, through this growth, you may mature and be My solid and steady servants in the end of these times.

For in truth I tell you that there is no other path to go through but the one that I offer to you day by day.

And even during this dark night of the planet, when millions of souls do not know what to do or where to go, when they have no answer, in Me, in My Heart, you will find this answer; you will find this peace, which is immutable, which will not make you hesitate in the face of any situation or experience, which will not defeat you, which will not allow you to be frightened or suspect what you are experiencing. For everything that comes to your paths has a reason, just as everything that comes to humanity has a reason, even without answers or explanations.

Yet, be brave in the face of this dark night that you will have to go through, first within yourselves. Do not fear discovering or knowing what still must be transcended and healed, forgiven and reconciled, because souls arrive in the world without perfection; because they come here, to this world, to find this perfection within themselves when they truly commune of Higher Life, when they allow themselves to be guided and oriented by the Hierarchy.

There is nothing more important than this: that the disciple may have their Master and that the Master may have His disciple, because it is a constant effort along the path of ascension and transformation.

But know this well, it is not possible to live a path of redemption with suffering, because I do not want to see you like this, neither you nor your brothers and sisters. Sometimes souls become lost in this, they hurt themselves for not being able to see that there is a learning experience in each moment, but there is also a synthesis, a moment for recognizing and even for forgiving.

This is how you will grow inwardly in the degrees of love rather than in the degrees of self-esteem or of the illusory power, for the freedom of each one lies in living the Will of God, even without comprehending or understanding it.

I come here tonight to give testimony that this Higher Will exists and must be fulfilled, even if humanity takes a little longer to reach it or understand it, to accept and live it.

Meanwhile, My patient Heart is here, as It has always been, on this path that each one is learning how to live and go through, on this pathway of daily challenges and lessons.

But what is most important, companions, is that you can reap the fruits from each learning experience, from each step you may take; there is no other reason for being here but being able to advance in the conviction and faith that the Divine Purpose gives you, in the flame of Love of My Heart, which illuminates your paths.

It is not time to stop or become crystallized, it is time to achieve this inner freedom that is not personal but rather granted by God to the souls that serve Him and fully experience Him.

Today, from the Sacred Valley of this Center of Love, I speak to you and share My Faith with you again; even while seeing and contemplating a destroyed world, not only in its spiritual but also in its human form, in the degree to which violence and wickedness are experienced today.

Now is the moment when the Christs of the New Time must act in My Name so that there may be love in abundance in this time, rather than condemnation; so that there may be mercy and forgiveness, which may grant you understanding and wisdom before the suffering of your fellow being and brother or sister who is enduring their own test.

I want you to contemplate this time with eyes of compassion rather than those of justice, with a heart that is close to the one who suffers and endures, close even to the one who does not understand or comprehend the Hierarchy and also those who cannot live this new cycle; because God launches the Light of His seeds into the hearts that accept them and want to make them fruitful within themselves through the gifts that He delivers, the virtues that He distributes, the Eternal Love that He shares as the Celestial Father.

This is how He has done and does with Me all the time, just as I did with My apostles and do today with you, sharing the Divine and Cosmic Love that heals, cures, repairs and reconciles the inner world, even in a difficult and perhaps inexplicable time.

Although the shadows darken the planet, do not become discouraged or lose faith; because it is in what is most anonymous and silent that I Am present, but I Am also present in the one who seeks Me, in the one who calls Me, in the one who invokes Me, in the one who responds to My Call.

In this month of March, we reach the end of a cycle of the Work of the Christic Hierarchy, but do not think that I will go away and stop accompanying you, because I Am here preparing you and your brothers and sisters of the world for My Return. This is what we must concentrate on.

Just as the apostles, despite the fear they experienced during My Sorrowful Passion and Crucifixion, prepared the Resurrection of Christ, today you and your brothers and sisters must prepare the Return of the Lord, first within yourselves, through your vows, through the principles for your lives.

Today I come as a Consciousness you have never seen or experienced. But the Love that I impart to you is indeed the same, you are just coming to know My other Faces, the universal task of the Redeemer.

Welcome into your hearts this last impulse of conclusion, thus preparing yourselves for the next Sacred Week, for no matter how far or close you may be, what is most important to Me is that you be with Me, regardless of the distance or the situations.

Remember that you must still surrender your lives to My Heart, just as I gave My Life for you on the Cross.

May your only aspiration be to fulfill that which God needs in this time so that you may learn to renounce your own aspirations; because if your own aspirations must be fulfilled one day, they will be fulfilled, be sure of this. However, God always calls us to live that which we do not aspire to, to accept that which we do not want, to love that which we reject. This is a Christ.

 May the aspiration of God be fulfilled in your lives in this next Marathon of Prayer, and may it be a reality without conditions or obstacles, may the fulfillment of the Plan, the Plan of the Lord, be a joyful reality.

The last thing I ask of you is that you be a mirror of hope; you must attract hope to the world so that peace may reach the places where it is most lacking.

I Am united to the brave and the bearers of peace, regardless of the time of purification.

May spiritual freedom grant you the understanding and the reason for existing in this world and in this incarnation to serve the One, Our Creator.

My blessing to all in this cycle of conclusion and maturity for My disciples.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Click to read all the messages of Christ