Sunday, March 19 of 2023


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Despite the conflicts throughout the world, despite the agitation of nature, the purification of the consciousness of the Earth and of the human heart, despite all of this, today the Heart of God finds relief in those who decide to respond to His Call.

Today, the Heart of God finds relief in missionary hearts who, in the hope of being His Instruments, continue to serve this world. And although these are small actions, they are sincere, and it is this sincerity of heart, children, that repairs the Heart of God, which allows the Lord to find relief in imperfect beings, and allows the Celestial Father to manifest His Grace and Mercy through the human heart.

Today, the Heart of God finds relief in those who walk with Christ toward Jerusalem. Not only in those who do it physically, but also in those who expand their consciousness and, regardless of the space or place, they walk with Christ for the fulfillment of His Purpose and are with Him at each instant of their lives, just as they were in other times.

Today, children, relieve the Heart of God even more, allowing Him to intercede for humanity through each one of you. Relieve the Heart of God with a sincere prayer, with a true renewal of vows, small sacrifices, small services and true union with your brothers and sisters; dissipating from your hearts, competition, human desire and the conditioned thought of humanity about God’s Will for your lives.

May today be a day of reparation in all that you do so that humanity may truly receive an undeserved Grace. May the agitation of this world, of its Kingdoms and its elements, and the agitation of the conflictive hearts of humanity, find peace.

I have taken you to the depths of the oceans. Today I want to take you to the depths of the consciousness of the Earth, in its innermost layers, where a hidden life dwells, where mysteries that are still unveiled may be that which sustain the consciousness of the planet, a life beyond human life, which pulsates within the Earth and sustains the purification of the planet so that it may not become worse than that which is happening today.

Close your eyes and open your hearts so that you may enter the consciousness of the Earth with Me.

Contemplate the planet as if you were seeing it from the outside and, little by little, begin to enter it. You have learned to enter the oceans and plunge into their depths; now I invite you to go beyond even that.

The deeper you enter the oceans, the greater the silence and the void, the darkness, the darkness of the eyes and the senses.

Plunge deeply, surrender the control of your mind and of your lives so that, in this void, you may go deeper.

Beyond the oceans, plunge into the interior of the Earth, into its deepest layers, into its rocks, into its subterranean waters. Go even deeper, carry with you My Heart and the peace that you can feel at this moment. May the peace that I bring to you today pacify the interior of the Earth, its plates, its Kingdoms, so that the tectonic agitation of the world may calm down.

Plunge deeper. Contemplate the different layers of the Earth and how you find life between them, not only life of the elements, but also of spiritual life.

Come to know with Me the mysteries of the interior of the Earth, those of the worlds called intraterrestrial.

Contemplate within them a Kingdom similar to the Celestial Kingdom, deposited there by the Divine Consciousness as an extension and expansion of Its Consciousness, as life that expands Celestial Life so that this Project, which is so loved, may be sustained throughout time, despite human ignorance, indifference and the duality that still dwells within the heart of humanity; which the Creator tries to transform time and again.

Contemplate the inner temples that dwell in the depths of the Earth and sustain the consciousness of nature, and replicate within yourselves that which is the most sacred, taught by the Kingdoms.

This learning experience transforms into a sacred treasure, not only for the human consciousness and for the planet, but for all of Creation, because it will become codes of light in the ponds of the universe, and within them, it will re-create life, through the life on Earth.

Do not seek to understand what I am saying to you, just walk with Me into the interior of the Earth.

Just as there are Mirrors on the surface of the planet, which manifest themselves in the waters of the Earth and reflect the beauty of Creation, just as there are Mirrors in the universe and in the depths of the cosmos, which reflect Divine Consciousness, in the same way there are also Mirrors in the depths of the Earth, which silently radiate their peace and sustain the planet.  

Contemplate these mirrors. Allow your hearts to ignite before these Mirrors and to give permission, on behalf of all of humanity, for them to radiate to the consciousness of the planet from the inside out.

Plunge deeper, find the magma of the Earth, this inner fire, which also sustains the planet and renews its organic, material life to give beings a new opportunity, to transmute that which was corrupted and, through its fire, its heat bring renewal to the world.

Enter the consciousness of the Earth more deeply, into its nucleus. Find the essence of life, which, though it is tired, beats and sustains the Earth.

Express gratitude before the essence of the planet. Allow your consciousnesses to revere life, the life in the depths of the Earth and, through reverence and gratitude, unite Heaven and Earth.

May your essences unite to the essence of the planet. May your filiation to God manifest itself today, creating a bridge, opening a door for the Heart of the Father to be that which beats in the heart of the Earth. May this beating radiate peace from the inside out and begin to balance the consciousness of nature, balance the elements, the roots of life, the different layers of this planet.

Contemplate the Heart of God, which begins to grow from the inside out in the consciousness of the Earth, and just as all life within the planet responds to this call; the intra-terrestrial worlds open to receive the Christic energy and allow it to expand in all that is life on the surface and within the Earth.

Why do I lead you to the interior of the Earth?

So that you may also learn to go into the interior of your own hearts, discover the mysteries of life, and so that today, children, not only the doors of Israel or Jerusalem, but also the doors of the human consciousness, of the consciousness of the planet, of its elements and of all life may open, so that each small space of this Earth may receive the Christic energy and this world may find peace from the inside out.

May all Mirrors open to reflect the Love of Christ and manifest His Mission that He comes to carry out in the world. May all lineages be active, ready to respond to the call of Christ, to reflect in your beings His Will, His Christic Love.

The planet today begins to move into a new cycle. And this time will not be just like another. Each being must become responsible for the transformation of the Earth. This is what I teach you today.

There are still many mysteries to be unveiled. There is still much life within life that must be discovered so that you may learn to live in communion and so that, little by little, you may dispel indifference, because the indifference of the human heart does not concern only life upon the surface, like when you are indifferent toward the suffering of others or that of the Kingdoms of Nature. Indifference, children, also concerns the Celestial Mysteries, also concerns life within the Earth, life within the oceans, intraterrestrial and superphysical life. How many mysteries must still be unveiled within you and in this world!

Enter this new cycle with awareness, walk after the Lord, do not miss any of His Steps. This is the Will of God for these times.

The Promised Land is the Kingdom of God, which manifests itself from the inside out. Israel, Jerusalem, is a kingdom that has been dwelling within you since the beginning of life; it is the Divine Presence that you must find. This is why God made you walk in the desert so that, in 40 years of solitude, you could look within and find the Kingdom.

This is why God sent His Son so that, before Him, who is the Mirror of Divine Love, the Kingdom could ignite and reflect within you and, in this way, you could discover it.

But who has been able to penetrate this mystery?

By penetrating the layers of the Earth, who has opened to know its inner kingdom today?

The Promised Land is not just for human beings, it is for all life.

This is the Promised Land, and it manifests itself when beings live their perfect potential, when they express likeness with God and allow the Kingdom to express itself from the inside out.

Today Our Lord begins to walk toward Jerusalem, that sacred space where His Feet once stepped, where His Heart was pierced, where His Blood was shed so that you could be before the Kingdom once again, as humanity.

Before the Mirror of the Heart of God, which is Christ, may you discover, children, who you truly are.

In the past, Our Lord spoke in parables, and even in parables He could not be understood. But now it is the time to speak with the truth, the time for mysteries to no longer exist, but to rather be revealed. This is the time to speak with clear words for those who can listen, for those who, besides wanting to understand, will know how to submerge into the mysteries.

This is the Father’s Will, which I bring you today, and for this reason He sends Me as His Messenger, as the doorkeeper of His Kingdom. I am nothing but that, the one who stays at the door to indicate the path to you, to open the consciousness of the Earth, as well as the human consciousness, so that Christ may enter and reveal to you the Promised Land, reveal to you the Kingdom.

Today, on this day of celebration and renewal, allow your souls to renew themselves, allow your hearts to rejoice and for true joy to spring within each one of you. May sadness, panic, depression, fear, all that which separates you from your own souls and from the Heart of God, be dissipated. Today, may you receive a special Grace, special healing, so that you can approach the Heart of God more and more, and so you may no longer live in darkness, but that you may rather find the light and be the light for this world.

This is the Higher Will of God for your lives: that you may no longer live in darkness, that you may no longer live in the desert, but rather that you may find the Living Water, find the Light of the world, because it is the moment to begin to walk, to fulfill your mission, to be Instruments of God on Earth, to help others who do not listen to His Call, who were not instructed by His Truth, and remained in past impulses, in incomprehension, in mediocrity, and who will be frightened in the face of the revelation of the Truth, because their hearts will be closed, and they will need a hand that can sustain and lead them toward the Divine Will. This hand must be you. 

Therefore, children, rise, enter a new cycle, no longer live in the past, on guilt or pain. No longer remain in the diseases of the body or of the soul, but rather find healing in the enlightenment of consciousness, in the possibility of finding peace, regardless of the situation of your bodies. What matters most is that your spirits may be awakened, that your souls may be present and be intercessors before God so that beings may awaken.

This is what I come to say to you today. And I ask you to rejoice your hearts, to celebrate, to announce to the world the time of awakening, to open your souls and your spirits, to allow Christ to reveal the Kingdom, that He may enter within you as well as within the Earth, that this may be a cycle of renewal of life within life.

For this, you have My blessing, My company, My help, My intercession.

I bless you and thank you for the bravery of looking within and aspiring toward transformation, for the bravery of entering your wounds and allowing yourselves to be permeated by healing, for the bravery of acknowledging your miseries and allowing Christ to transform them through His Mercy.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.