Sunday, March 2 of 2025


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

And after the world has been redeemed, the Government of the Temple of the Sphere will return with Me; a Government that has been prepared for a long time, since My Ascension to the Heavens.

Thus, the Sacred Hierarchy, which is the Guiding Star of this universe and of this planet, has built the expression of this Spiritual Government of Christ with Their own hands and Their own experience; because it was the first request that I Myself made to the Eternal Father after ascending to the Heavens, to the heart of the universe where I Am found now, to return later on as I promised before My Ascension.

I want you to know that this Government of the Temple of the Sphere will bring everything that is new and renewing that the planet and humanity need; because, as I told you, when duality has ended, inner freedom will come, the inner freedom that many of you seek in this time and have sought throughout this life.

This Government of the Temple of the Sphere will reestablish, at My request, the Laws on the planet and the fulfillment of these Laws in humanity so that it may continue awakening, after all the suffering it has experienced throughout time and up to the present, because I will never again want to hear agonies and cries or feel the pain of My brothers and sisters in the world.

How many innocent people in this humanity are waiting for this inner freedom that I Myself have promised, not only to My apostles in that time but also to the whole world!

As the events present themselves, this moment draws near, and I will not tire of telling you that it is not very far away.

But first, I must have a place in the heart of each one of Mine, a place where I may also inspire and guide you through My Wisdom and Love; for I assure you that, at the end of these times and in the presence of these last events, each one will be in the place that has been foreseen in their destiny by the very Hand of God, which is indicating it.

Therefore, may your transformation continue to take place so that, when the time for the Government of the Temple of the Sphere comes, you not only may perceive it but also live it, as the joy of the great day of your liberation from this human captivity.

Meanwhile, continue to work in the strengthening of your faith and in the absolute trust that the Divine Hierarchy and the Hierarchy of the universe accompany your steps. However, open yourselves to live that which you have never lived, open yourselves to hear that which you have never heard, and mainly, open yourselves to welcome that which you have not welcomed up until now due to prejudices.

I need you in My Way, but in My Way of freedom, of the freedom that I granted to you with My Death on the Cross and My Sorrowful Passion.

I have opened the path to you through My surrender so that you may live that which is foreseen, and not perhaps so that you may live that which you think or believe in. Because My apostles, the twelve, also had to experience the transformation of their own beliefs and thoughts.

This is why I did not judge or condemn them, but rather set them free, so that their own spirits might grow in abundance, just as it was foreseen in My Plan and just as My Plan is foreseen for you and your brothers and sisters.

Today, the world and humanity as a soul is facing the conclusion of My cycle, a cycle which has been preparatory up until now, and in which, as from the new time, through your own lives and your own decisions, you will write the history and destiny to follow. However, do not fail to contemplate the Graces you have received up until now, which are abundant, infinite and profound, Divine Graces that are priceless, that have an incalculable spiritual value, because it is what allows you to be here today, before My Presence.

I come to seek the same ones that I once called in the past; nothing has changed for Me, you just have other faces and bodies now, but in soul and spirit you are the same whom I once called by their names, by the spiritual names that each one holds and has engraved within themselves, in the innermost depth of their essence and soul, the name by which, in the end of times, you will be called to be in the lines of My last soldiers of the Light.

Thus, the Government of the Temple of the Sphere is preparing to enter the surface of the planet with the spiritual synthesis of all the Consciousnesses and Hierarchies who, for decades, have participated in the construction of this last and great moment.

How many brothers and sisters of old have helped Me fulfill this Purpose, which is the Purpose of My Father and which, from now on, must be the Purpose of each one of you and your brothers and sisters! Because today you will not understand with the mind what this means, but you must rather only faithfully hold it within your hearts, just as My Holy Mother would hold the mysteries of God in Her Immaculate Heart.

In this way, participate in this spiritual dimension that I Am presenting to you today, which is the universal current that I bring to the world today through this Center of Love, which has opened itself to welcome Me, as it has done many times, just as you faithfully welcome Me today.

Be assured, companions, that I know what each one needs at this moment; but make room for the Time of God and for the fulfillment of His Universal Will in your lives.

Everything has its hour and its moment, everything has its ending and its beginning.

Thus, receive the sublime vibrations of the Government of the Temple of the Sphere, which makes itself present today through the humility of My Heart and My Life, My Christic Life, which must be life of each one and above all within you.

In this way and in simplicity, commune with the Laws that present themselves at this moment, and which place Argentina and its people in the last cycle of their redemption, because incredible situations will not fail to happen; remember that this is the time of Armageddon, the time that is being fulfilled as it was foreseen.

Concentrate your lives on the hope and faith of being able to see what is to come, that which is announced by Me as the Good News, the Good News of the Return of Christ to humanity.

May the signs of My Presence be kept in your hearts, souls and spirits so that, when I Am no longer here, close to you, you may know how to act and proceed in the end of these times with all the spiritual and inner knowledge, which out of love We have granted to you for the sustenance of all the Centers of Love in the world and for the union of your consciousnesses with the Hierarchies of the cosmos, with each one of the higher emanations that are kept in the stars, throughout the sideral firmament.

Before the Sacred Temple of the Sphere, may your lives be renewed at this moment and for all the times to come, knowing that from now on, nothing will be like the past, but will rather be as God determines in the Sacred Science of His future and that which is to come.

May the joy for these last impulses be experienced by you, just as the apostles, the holy women and My own Mother experienced it in My Resurrection and Reappearance, because I come here to announce the Reappearance of Christ.

May the Sacred Geometries that rule this universe and all of Creation radiate to you and bless you, as they have many times blessed the Son of God.

May the time of the final awakening be fulfilled. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

Click to read all the messages of Christ