In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Thus, the time will come in the future when souls will not know what pain or anguish is. The time will come when Mine will know the Kingdom of the Heavens on Earth, for I will bring it in My Return.
In this way, the feet will no longer be tired of seeking the path to find the Purpose because those divested of themselves will find the Purpose, for they will have fulfilled the Will of My Father, which is also My Will, and must also be your Will.
Meanwhile, in this arid planetary scenario, I call you to conviction and faith, to this such great and immovable faith that your own Master and Lord lived during His Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, where, facing all errors and horrors of the world, your Master did not step back but rather advanced, even while feeling the weight of the sins and faults committed since Adam and Even up to the end of times in His own Flesh.
And I Am here today, companions, to testify to you that it is possible because in the apparent emptiness or in the arid desert lies God through His solemn silence to impel you into the constant transformation of the consciousness, of habits and even pleasures because nothing will enter the Kingdom of the Heavens that is not of God and His Will; the path seems to become narrower to some, or they still cannot find the way out.
Behold the Heart of the Master, which exposes Itself before you today, that Heart which was pierced on the Cross to consummate the liberation from the sins of the world, to dispel all darkness.
Thus, your human heart can also live and share this with Me, because My rod will not punish or condemn you. My Law, which is the Law of God, comes to show you the way that a great part of humanity is losing by replacing God.
I wish you to be free, just as My apostles were free, even at the most culminating moment of their fears, when they were not able to accompany the Lord on Calvary and to the death on the Cross.
I come to make you fishermen of souls and hearts, just as My apostles, servants of peace and good, who seek to start again every day, whatever it takes, because the victory of your walk or the triumph of your transformation is not on Earth but rather in Heaven, when the time to depart from this world to the sublime spheres comes to you, with the certainty of having lived an experience of love, forgiveness and redemption beyond your own human condition.
Be free of yourselves so that the world may be liberated from oppression and evil, so that those who cry out may receive Grace and Mercy, Pity and Redemption.
How many, indeed how many, wait for this day and night! Because My promise is not only for you but rather for the whole world, for all religions and peoples, for all nations.
When the most culminating moment approaches, know that it will be the hour of My arrival and My Return. Some will recognize Me and others will not. Be vigilant and in adoration to be able to hear the steps of the Lord's Return to humanity.
I have taught you the way, just as I did to My apostles in the past. I do not come to give you or deliver to you something new. I come to teach you the Truth that you can live and practice in the solemnity of the heart, life and spirit, because the Truth will set you free from yourselves and liberate the world from so many errors and maleficences.
On this third day, I have come to pray with you for those who live the death penalty and decapitation. How much anguish My Heart experiences for all this!
For this reason, the life that you can give Me and the offering that you can make to Me is what impels Me to return to the world and be here today, stepping with My Feet on this sacred ground of Aurora, which has always been a witness of the touch of God's Hand upon you, your brothers and sisters of all this Work, and all those who with faith listen to the Sacred Hearts.
It is time to work in the end of these times, it is time for each one to definitively offer their gift and virtue to God, for I come to fulfill what I have promised, I come to seek the talents that must not be wasted or lost.
What talent will you offer Me? What virtue will you give Me? What gift will you truly practice in your lives?
This is what will create the conditions for the Return of your Master and Lord to the world. Before the doors of the Heavens, I expect and wait for the response of each one, but mainly the inner response.
I want My silence to lead you to reflection and understanding so that, in the face of the superficiality of this world, you may learn how to make good decisions for your lives and for the path of the spirit, the first path that must be manifested in this time.
Do you know what your spirit is like, what dimension it encompasses, or even what part of God this spirit comes from? Because just as His Son is a part of the Spirit of the Father, the Father is also a part of the Spirit of His Divine Son.
It is in the spirit that you must learn to work so that this world may really be helped and relieved by the bearers of peace, by those who claim to practice good every day.
The spirit is what is most wonderful that God has granted to us in this Creation. Allow your spirits to present themselves and work in this time. Make room for this, open the door for your souls so that the human temperament may no longer govern or rule you, as it happens to many, because the spirit in each being must only aspire to elevate itself to God and be in communion with Higher Laws so that, through your spirits, you may be mirrors of the Creator Father on Earth, just as the holy angels are mirrors of God in this universe and in other universes.
Abandon the prison of your bodies. Today I give you a key so that the door of this prison may be opened and you may be liberated. However, will and determination, faith and courage are needed so that the moorings may be dissolved, so that the chains of your feet may be broken.
The world will spiritually resurrect with decided souls and hearts and not lukewarm ones, with those who learn how to stand My Fire, My Fire of transforming and redeeming Love, that Fire that the apostles themselves felt in the past, at each moment they shared with Me, just as you have been so many times before My Fire. Have you noticed it? Have you recognized it? Have you adopted it?
There lies the power to transform and elevate everything; although it may seem impossible, do not give up, neither you nor your brothers and sisters, because the goal is very close, closer than you imagine.
But you must amend the errors of the world and all the outrages that humanity commits in these present times so that the power of My Divine Mercy may work more than Justice.
My Hand is now separating the wheat from the chaff, the good herb from the bad herb. This is part of the Law and is part of this time, the end time.
Sow good things, seeds of love and charity, actions of good and peace.
Thus, I come to make a final synthesis on this third day.
What is the teaching you will take from these three days shared with Me?
What did I try to tell you at each moment?
Be awake, in My Words and in each meeting lies the impulse for the next step. Make good use and avail yourselves of it, do not miss the opportunity. With love, embrace My Message and above all, My Heart, which is yours. Thus, I hope that your hearts will be Mine. This is what I patiently hope for.
May the advent of the ambassadors of peace be fulfilled.
The world is in an emergency. The soldiers are being called to the lines of Christ, and I will be with those who want to be with Me. Just as today I Am with you in this beloved place of your Eternal Father.
I thank you for accompanying Me and for being here just as you are, without hiding, because I will make the Kingdom of the Heavens from the poor of heart. I want to make the Kingdom of the Heavens from your hearts, do not forget it.
May the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit bless you. Amen.