In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The one who lives Me will fear nothing. The one who feels Me will not perish because the Grace that I transmit and share with Mine is incalculable, it is the eternal Grace of God, which always descends and touches you so that, at each step, you may learn to fulfill His Will.
The stars of Aurora welcome Me tonight, just as your hearts do, open to the unfathomable Presence of the Lord Who, immutable and withdrawn, is here to announce the Word of the Heavens, to pour understanding and wisdom, compassion and peace upon souls.
Thus, on this first day, I open again the doors of Aurora so that you and your brothers and sisters of the world may be before the portal of Inner Healing, which humanity and the planet need so much in this time of inner adversity and conflicts.
But today I invite you, once again, to place your consciousnesses in the Heights, in the higher feelings and thoughts that eternally emanate from the Source and nourish souls with light, faith and hope.
This is where I need you at this moment and nowhere else so that, together with Me, we may rebuild the spiritual plan of this humanity and planet, which are corroding themselves in their darkness and battle.
However, I come here as this Sun of Aurora, which never fades, which never hides and which is latent before the heart that opens like a flower to receive the rays of Love and Forgiveness from the Heart of your Master.
O dark night of this planet,
which confuses and disturbs souls,
set yourself apart from them!
Because the Sun of the Universe, the Prince of Peace,
illuminates all of Creation with His Rays,
and especially this world,
so that the inner worlds may always recognize
the Grace they have received directly from Me,
in the name of Adonai, Our God.
O dark night of souls,
do not fear the desert, the aridity, or the solitude;
behold the inextinguishable Source
that opens once again
so that spiritual and inner thirst may be quenched.
O such great thirst your Master feels
for those who are forgotten and discarded,
for those who are the last and despised,
for the smallest among the little ones;
I Am there so that you may serve Me,
so that you may find Me and live Me,
and thus you may relieve the suffering from the Redeemer's Heart.
Dark night of the world,
you do not have the last word,
because the powerful and creative Word of God
will always be fulfilled,
just as the Law and life are,
just as the Commandments that guide
the people of God and souls
along the path of righteousness and good.
Behold the Sun that illuminates the night of the world's darkness.
Behold the Sun of hope that is latent and alive within the heart that adores and recognizes it within itself.
Now that you have grown, it is time to walk in the apostolate and service.
I affirm Myself in those who live Me. I Am pleased in those who seek Me. I find relief in those who are with Me and do not doubt, because it is God Who, with His own Hand, writes the destiny and the end.
Happy will be those who persist. Graced will be those who open to this moment and this cycle. Because if in this cycle many things happen, even painful and incomprehensible things, could it be that God has allowed them? Yes!
The spirit of truth must be forged in Mine, and also the spirit of faith, which, immovable sustains the banner of Christ on Earth to illuminate, with My Christic Code, the world and those who cry out for help.
My Words are written within the hearts that accept them, My Light is infused within the hearts that open, because there is a Plan to be fulfilled and carried out here. And this will be so because it is the Will of My Father.
In the dark night, may souls concentrate on the Light that comes from God and His Source to learn to sustain themselves in Me and for Me until the end.
Today, Aurora shines through its new steps, which are inner and profound. I would like you to open to this because it is a special Grace that I place upon those who say yes to Me.
Aurora is a Mirror that cannot stop radiating and sharing its Grace. This has been and will always be the place chosen by the Eternal Father, because in its mystery, Aurora reveals itself to the pure of heart and the true of spirit.
Aurora is for humanity and the planet, it is for those who learn to endure its Fire, its Fire of Love. If you have this in mind, you will come to know even more about Aurora, much more than you believe you have known up to now, because in truth the essence of Aurora has not yet been revealed by the Archangel Raphael.
But the time will come for this to happen, and thus the Sun of Aurora will dispel the dark night of the planet so that the self-summoned may see the Return of Christ come on the horizon.
Those who are here today and those who are not here today were marked by My Hand. This is indelible, regardless of any consequence or situation. Remember that it is My Heart that has accepted each one of you, rather than just My Words. Because in My Heart only Love lives, rather than Justice, the Love that leads you to the light of the Truth and to the essence of Peace.
Many of you and your brothers and sisters have been baptized by My Spirit and anointed by My Light time and again. Value and honor all this in the end of times, because nothing is in vain for your Lord. And may those who stay not lose hope or have their faith placated.
It was already announced that the world, and also humanity, would live this. Everything was written in the Sacred Book of God so that, in this time, you, who were called to live and experience this, may be strong in love and brotherhood, in good and charity. Thus, you will always live My simplicity and My silence.
Tonight, may the Sun of the Lord, which illuminates and makes everything resplendent, make you feel the spiritual brilliance of Aurora, as the Center of an unknown Will.
May this Marathon represent one step toward maturity and absolute trust in the Creator so that more souls in the world may be rescued and helped by Me.
In this Marathon, may your prayers rise, not in repeated words, but may the fire of your prayers rise like the incense at the Altar to offer itself to Our Creator in atonement for the sins of the world and the conflicts of war, so that those unprotected may be sheltered, so that the children may be protected, so that nations may not lose peace and the angels of nations may work, just as it is written in the Heart of the Father.
In this Marathon of prayer, allow your guardian angels to work as never before. Unite to them in prayer so that peace may help you and your brothers and sisters to face the unknown dark night that precedes the Return of Christ, your Master and Lord.
May Your Will be fulfilled, Adonai.
May souls not fear living their own Gethsemane.
May souls learn to live their great decisions,
just as Your Son did in the forty days of the desert,
so that as many hearts as possible
may be instruments of Your Peace.
Under the Light that comes from the eternal Love of Aurora, which redeems, liberates and transmutes all human condition, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.